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"What are you guys talking about?" Izuku asked curiously.

"Magne wants that watercolor painting." Spinner said nonchalantly.

"Oh, the cherry blossom one? I painted that actually." Izuku responded cheerfully before handing a glass of iced water to Mr. Compress. "I'm glad you like it!"

"Wait. You painted that?!" Magne asked loudly in disbelief.

"I painted all the paintings that are hung up in this house. 'Those cherry blossoms came from a palace I was feeling happy. The other ones... oh. I don't really want to remember the ones I made from back then." Izuku explained while he handed a tall glass of wine to Kurogiri.

"Well, I think the cherry blossoms are very beautiful," Magne responded from her seat.

"Thanks for the compliment. I'll be happy to move it into your room if you would like." Izuku replied happily with a gentle smile.

"I would appreciate that very much," Magne answered. When Izuku turned his back, she flipped off Shigaraki while mocking him with silent laughter. 'Ha!' She mouthed to Spinner.

Spinner rolls his eyes. "Hey, are you even a professional? Do you have any kind of license to actually be doing this?"

Izuku paused after putting the wine bottle back in the drawer. "I'm not a licensed professional, but I am qualified to help you all."

Dabi asked, "How the fuck can you help us if you aren't even an actual therapist."

"It was essential that I wasn't a licensed therapist apparently," Izuku responded simply.

Dabi was even more confused, "What? How the fu—?"

"It's because you wouldn't actually want to talk to them, would you? And they wouldn't want to 'deal' with you guys. I took the necessary classes to be considered a therapist, but I was taken out of them when Nedzu learned about my analysis. I was going to settle to be a therapist or quirk counselor who could do actual good until that point." Izuku explained.

"What's so special about your analysis that Nedzu took you out of studies?" Kurogiri asked with disbelief.

"My analysis was covered in fifteen notebooks by the time Nedzu heard word of them. In them, I listed everything that I knew about each pro heroes I came across. Hell, the last one was all about villains. Recover Girl actually visited the college to help oversee a medical exam. When I asked for an autograph, she read my notes. After that, she took me and my notebooks to Nedzu and the rest is history."

"How much do you really know?"

"Enough to blackmail, bribe, apprehend, and possibly even kill anyone I have information on. I learn their quirks very quickly from any fight online or in real life I see. From there, I break down what their strengths and weaknesses might be. Any weak points or strong points are listed down in that notebook. When Nedzu saw it, he took me under his wing to teach me personally and that allowed me to make some new friends and gain one back."

"Are you telling me...that you had valuable information on EVERY SINGLE HERO?" Shigrarki asked while scratching his neck up bad.

Izuku reminded with a calm grin, "And the villain. I still write in those notebooks to this day. The notebooks are actually being used to their fullest potential."

"Wow," Sako commented with wide brown eyes.

Everyone's jaw dropped. They were captured by a skilled team of pro heroes that somehow found out their weaknesses and drawbacks. Could it be that Izuku's notebooks helped them accomplish that?

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