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After soba for dinner, everyone went to bed with their stomachs full, even Kurogiri who had his supper delivered to him in his room. But the following morning, Kurogiri was having some trouble, hangover troubles.

Kurogiri moaned, "Ugh. My head."

"I told you that we have pain relievers, you should have listened." Izuku fretted as he replaced a wet towel on what he thought to be Kurogiri's forehead, breathing a sigh of relief when the wet towel didn't fall through the light mist surround him. "Next time, you wouldn't need to have this major hangover."

"Yeah, I get it now," Kurogiri mumbled with his yellow eyes narrowed into a pinch from the huge headache he had.

Izuku sighed before continuing to take care of Kurogiri while the other villains hung out in the living room downstairs.

"Would you mind if I wished to be the next one in your session? You know, after my headache is completely gone and my hungover state has vanished. Like later today or tomorrow, just when I won't feel like the room is spinning anymore?" Kurogiri asked looking up to him with his piercing yellow eyes.

"No problem. I will gladly talk to you when you are feeling better, but for right now, I'll help you with this whole situation." Izuku responded.

"Thank you, Midoriya." Kurogiri thanked him gratefully, placing his wispy hand over the wet towel on his head.

Izuku smiled kindly, "Please call me Izuku or Deku if you want."

"If you wish, Izuku," Kurogiri said politely before groaning with his hand pinched to his temple.

They both nodded in respect to each other before Izuku continued to make sure Kurogiri was comfortable. Meanwhile downstairs, Shigaraki was growing more upset that he hasn't found anything on Izuku.

Shigaraki rasped while scratching his neck, "Is there anything we can find on him? Anything at all?"

Toga shrugged, "I have no fucking clue. At this point, I'm tired of looking and coming up with nothing."

Dabi scowled, "I can only guess that his office where he conducts the whole session things is where he hides the stuff we are looking for."

Twice, replied with a hum, "That makes sense. You lost me."

Shigaraki glared, "That might be true. The only place we haven't checked is inside that office since he is always there."

"How are we supposed to get inside since every session takes place there?" Toga asked right before Izuku appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello everyone!" Izuku greeted with a smile before starting on lunch.

"Hi. Hey, where's Kurogiri?" Sako asked as he approached the kitchen to see what Izuku is making.

"Oh. He is staying in his room right now. He has a major headache amongst other things, but he will be all better by tomorrow."

"That's good to hear. Hey, what are you making?" Sako asked Izuku while Shigaraki had an idea.

"If Kurogiri has a hangover, this could mean good news for us," Shigaraki stated.

"Why?" Twice questioned in a curious tone.

Shigaraki paused in his neck scratching to say, "After Kurogiri gets out of his hangover, he will try to stay in his room as long as possible, even after getting out of it. Which means that Kurogiri can distract Izuku for enough time with whatever upstairs while we hunt in Izuku's office."

"Solid idea, but when do we do it?" Dabi asked.

"Tomorrow. Kurogiri doesn't get over his hangovers fast, but they always wear off by the next day. All we need to find out if Kurogiri is the next one to have their session. If he is the next one, he would want to stay inside his room. When that happened, we make our strike." Shigaraki grinned at his plan.

Izuku is a Therapist for VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now