All for One

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One month later...

Sako was staying with his parents for a short time while he collected his salary from balancing dishes at the diner he worked at. When he got home late at night, he would work on a screenplay. His parents were very helpful to him while he was getting back on his feet.
But some days he would get a bit tired from his job and fall asleep while writing his screenplay. Today was one of those days.

"Atsuhiro! Dinner is ready." His mother's voice roused him from his tired state.

Sako slowly woke up from his short nap on his desk. He raised his head from his folded arms to look around a bit. He started to yawn before he heard his dad's strong voice cut in.
"If you don't, I'm eating all of the dumplings!" His father warned him.

"Not the dumplings!" Sako yelled back. "I'm coming down!

Sako launched out of the desk with resurged energy to stop his dad from eating all of his favorite dumplings. His screenplay lay half-written on his desk as he practically jumped down his stairs to save the dumplings.


Iguchi started an apprenticeship under an old sensei at a local karate dojo.

"Okay, Mr. Splinter!" One of the children said as Iguchi guided them through a move.

"I'm not that guy from TMNT!" Iguchi argued as some of the children smiled at him.

On the weekends, he helps his wonderful mother at the homeless shelter by helping with serving food to them.

"Shūichi, can you get the backup dish of casserole?" His mother called out to him as she fixed a plate for a homeless man.

"Got it, mom."

He was doing good since the trial, his mother was helping him out a lot.


Magne got a job as a waitress at the club that her best friend works at. Her dad allowed her to move back into his apartment, and he made sure that she was comfortable in her old room.

The job had decent pay and the atmosphere was just so welcoming.

"Hey, I think that guy over there likes you, girl." Magne's friend.

"Really?" Magne asked.

"Yeah! Every time he comes in, his eyes are just drawn to you. Maybe you have charmed him." Magne's friend whispered.

Magne looked over her shoulder to see a brown-haired man with a gentle air about him sitting at one of the back tables. When she caught his eye, he blushed and waved happily.

"Oh, he got it bad." Magne's friend commented.

Magne smiled, "I'll go talk to him. See where it goes."

"Get it, Girl!" Magne's friend cheered as Magne walked over to the gentleman.


Kurogiri got a job at a late-night family-friendly bar that acted as a restaurant. He stayed with Inko during this time with Tenko. Tenko would often go visit Izuku if he wasn't at work, but he would still make time for him and Miss Inko.

His usual shifts bounced around between late nights and early afternoons. Normally, he would still make it in time to have a meal with Inko at home.

However, he had to go to a police station to talk about what they found in his DNA.

Kurogiri fixed his cuffs as he approached the police station after his shift ended to go talk to Detective Tsukauchi. Once he got there, he saw Eraserhead and Present Mic looking like they had a lot of mixed feelings about him arriving through the door.

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