CHAPTER 9: Two People, One Heart.. Who Will You Choose?

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The rest of the week, Bakugo was still angry. He didn't want to have such an easy win. His anger channeled towards Todoroki, but sometimes he's quiet and just sulking in his seat.

You go up to him during class.

Bakugo: "What.."

His cold tone runs through your skin, leaving you chills.

"Uh.. never mind"

You leave Bakugo, giving him space to cool off. You haven't been going in his room as much this week. You thought that giving him space was the best idea. You walk away and sit down, next to Ura and Mina.

Mina: "What's up Y/n!"
"Oh! Hey Mina, Hey Ura!" You smile.
Ura: "Is something going on with you and Bakugo?"
"W-what? no." You scratch the back of you head and sigh.

"Maybe.. uh" You begin thinking about a different topic, so you can change the conversation.

"Uh.. Ura!! About you and Midoriya?"

Her eyes widen.

Ura: "H-Haha.. uh well"
Mina: "Ooo~~~ Has he made a move yet?"
Ura: "W-we are just friends!! Good friends!"
"Totallyyy, you're in love"

She blushes and then you see Midoriya walk over.

Midoriya: "Hey Y/n! Mina! Oh!! Hey Uraraka!"

She smiles and waves, the only open seat was next to you.

"U-uhhhhh... Ura come here and sit here ok!"

She looks over and nods, knowing what you're planning. You both switch seats, letting Midoriya sit next to her. They both continue talking with eachother. You and Mina were also having a conversation.

Todoroki and Bakugo were on the opposite side of each other, both were completely silent.

"Mina.. uh i'll be back.."

She nods and you get up, walking to Todoroki.

Todoroki: "What?"
"Oh.. nothing. I just want to see what's up"
Todoroki: "This better not be for Bakugo."
"It's not! You just look like you need a friend."

Todoroki sighs and just nods. You jump excitedly. You go right next to him, he looks over.

"Hmm... why are you always so grumpy?"

He looks over surprised.

Todoroki: "Grumpy?! Am not."
Todoroki: "Hmph.. well.. my father.."
"Endeavor.. right?"
Todoroki: "Yeah.. he's done terrible things to me and my mother.. you see, my mother left me.. because of him. I guess, i just couldn't forgive i never want to use my left side.. but Midoriya showed me that it's my power.. and i-"

You hug him tightly, snuggling your head in his chest. He was shocked. The force of you hugging him pushed him back a bit. You smile in his chest, pulling him closer. He sighs and hugs you back tightly.

"It's ok!.. no matter what happens.. your power is yours.."

You look up at him, while both of you still hug. You smile brightly, showing your sparkling eyes. Todoroki let a smile slip, he immediately looked away.

"Heh.. i saw that~"
Todoroki: "Saw what?"
"Your smile is cute you know.. you should smile more often! Maybe that'll give you friends!"
Todoroki: "Are you saying I don't have friends?"
"Uh.. you're WAYY too intimidating all the time! But at least, i'm your friend now!" You smile softly and let go.

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