Far from Over

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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Emma took a stroll around the opera house. Today she had this... Feeling. Like something happened and she needed to investigate it for herself. It was a feeling of uncertainty and arousing suspicion that lead her to where she is now. She walked towards the Prima Donna dressing room, her tan hand gripping the handle and pushed open the door.

Inside she saw a young woman, laying down face down in front of the shattered mirror. Shattered pieces of glass surrounding her; minor cuts to her hands, forehead and arms as blood as blood was seeping out.

Emma's eyes widened "Oh my god."

It was her sister, Kaylee!

Immediately, Emma closed the doors behind her and rushed to her sister's side. She checked her sister's pulse, it was strong. She took the small girl in her arms, smacking her cheek a couple of times "C'mon Kaylee," She shakes her "Wake up!"

Her sister's eyes popped open, she turned on her side and started rapidly coughing. Emma patted her back as she continued coughing. "E-Emma?" Kaylee asked "What the heck?"

"Are you ok?" Emma inquired

"I'm okay, but my head is killing me." Kaylee groaned, placing her palm on her forehead

Emma shakes her head and chuckled "I'm glad you're ok, well except for the blood."

She helped Kaylee up. "Let's get you cleaned up." Kaylee and Emma got to the hotel. Emma sits her and wets a cloth, then sits next to her. Emma begins to take off the blood on her left arm.

"So what happened?" She inquired

"You won't believe me." Kaylee said in a quiet tone

"Try me."

Kaylee sighed as Emma wetted the cloth again and continued to clean the blood from her left arm.

"Well, I fell through the mirror," she paused "...And found myself in The Phantom of the opera."

"I see. What was the last thing you remember?"

"I was in the Phantom's lair and I fainted."

Emma hummed, she finished cleaning of the blood from her left arm, collarbone, and forehead. "You don't think I'm crazy?" Kaylee asked

Emma just stared at her blankly "Sis, we were exposed to the supernatural or things that happened out of the ordinary since we were teenagers, plus I'm your sister."

"True." Kaylee agreed

They then stood in silence, Kaylee decided to break that silence. "Do I have anything today?"

"Yes, you are supposed to sing today."

Kaylee nods and smiled "let's get ready."

A few minutes later, Kaylee was able to get ready.

In The Shadow of a Melody (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now