35 | Birthday Girl

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Chapter 35 | Birthday Girl

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        The morning of my birthday starts earlier than expected when Mr. Paul knocks on my bedroom door telling me to come downstairs.

        I grunt and roll over to check the time on my phone. Squinting against the light, I make out the numbers flashing back at me: 9:37.

        "Mr. Paul, do you see what time it is? How y'all gonna keep me up half the night watching movies and then wake me up this early?"

        After letting it slip that I've only seen a handful of the movies in the Marvel franchise, Donovan thought it was an absolute necessity that the whole family watches all 20 of the films in chronological order. The only break we took was in the middle of the first Captain America when midnight hit. He paused the movie for two minutes so they could sing me happy birthday and get off a few birthday licks.

        We didn't call it quits until four in the morning after they got tired of me falling asleep and waking up asking what I missed.

        "Just come downstairs, please, ma'am."

        I groan and drag my hands down my face. "Can I at least brush my teeth first?"

        "Make it quick," he says and I hear his footsteps retreating. "Not too quick!"

        Staring up at the blades of my ceiling fan, I take time to soak in the peace and quiet before peeling myself away from the bed. Ten minutes later, I'm making my way down the stairs, eyes still burning with sleep. I round the corner into the kitchen and find the four of them standing around the island.

        "It'll still be my birthday at 11, man. This couldn't wait like another hour?" I ask through a yawn.

        "We have something for you," Ms. Corrine says, gesturing to the white, rectangular box on the countertop. She slides it closer to me and they all watch with expectant eyes, cheesing like damn department store mannequins. Leaning forward to peer into the box, I raise an eyebrow at the cake sitting inside. It's plain with no words or decoration outside of the frilly rim and roses drawn on in salmon-colored icing.

        "Why are we doing the cake this early in the day? I mean, thank you, but I'm pretty sure Sheila's gonna have one at her house later on."

        She slowly peels the lid back on the box. "I'm sure she will, too, but this cake isn't for your birthday."

        Mr. Paul plants his hands on my shoulders and stands off to the side of me. "This cake is to celebrate you living here for a year. We didn't realize it until they were running through the dates the other day at the hearing, but last Wednesday officially made it a year that you've been with us."

        "Has it really been a full year?"

        With everything that I've been through and overcome since living with them, it feels like so much longer. From hashing things out with Sheila and getting my first job, to trusting more than just Ms. Miranda to see behind my walls and having an almost-boyfriend. This year has been one for the damn books.

        "Crazy ain't it. I said the same thing," Donovan says. His hand is gripping the back of his opposite arm, freckled cheeks lifting into a smile. I smile back at him, and for the life of me I can't figure out how this boy managed to become my best friend let alone my brother.

        "But that's not all," says Mr. Paul. "Go back up the stairs."

        "What? We not even gonna eat the cake? Y'all just called me down here to show it to me?"

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