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The morning sun was just breaking through the horizon, while two wizards walked in a deserted forest. The forest was the definition of serene, the feeling of the breeze as it shakes the leaves, the sound of gentle water flowing over rocks in the crick, and the sight of two squirrels chasing each other across the path and continuing up an oak tree. The older wizard, that had a silver beard reaching his belt, seemed to have a set destination in mind. While, the younger wizard with scars that scattered across his face and neck followed with curiosity and slight hesitation.

Although the scarred wizard trusts the bearded one, he voiced his thoughts, "Are you certain about this, Albus?" He asked.

Not holding it to the scarred wizard for being hesitant towards him, Albus states in a voice that is calm yet holds the need for attention.

"Quite sure professor Lupin, I understand your hesitation but all will be revealed in a short while."

The young wizard doesn't seem to be completely assured, but follows nonetheless. The two Wizards continue along the trail. Unbeknownst two both men, a pair of eyes follow their movements, and a pair of ears listen to their conversation from within the trees. Four legs jump from branch to branch in a silent, stealthy manner, trailing the wizards and not letting them out of eyesight and earshot.

The wizards continue along the path, the younger man follows with a bit of difficulty as the full moon is coming near, though the older man seems to walk with poise and little trouble.

The eyes in the trees watch as the older man held out a wrinkled hand with a few silver rings, a sign for Lupin to cease movement.

Looking around, Lupin recognizes what implies to be a camp in a clearing, remnants of an old fire with just a few embers in its place and a small tent just beside it. "Is this our destination?" Asked Lupin

"Yes indeed, Remus," said Dumbledore.

Albus looks in the trees that are settled around the camp and spots a black mass that seemed to be in a crouched position on a sturdy branch, roughly 23 feet off the ground. A set of yellow eyes meets Dumbledore's blue ones. While looking at the eyes in the trees, Dumbledore continues speaking. "I brought you here because I believe I have found a fresh addition for Hogwarts, one that might need a bit of persuasion to join."

Remus was about to ask for Dumbledore to elaborate more but something jumped down from the tree, still watching the two intruders in the camp.

A large Black panther, about 3 feet in height, slowly circled the pair defensively, eyes remain glued to them. Albus keeps his calm composure, not at all threatened by the large cat, while Remus pulls out his wand, eyeing the cat ready for an attack. The panther pauses in front of them with what looks like narrowed eyes and repeated flicks of the tail in annoyance.

"Nice to finally meet you Echo Creed, you are a hard person to find. I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, and this"- he motions to Remus Lupin with a gesture of his hand-" is Professor R.J Lupin. We have come here to merely have a discussion. One that I think would benefit you. If you would have us as your company."

Lupin looks from the cat to Dumbledore, a look full of questions. In response to Albus' statement, the cat ponders for a moment, and eventually looks from Lupin's outstretched arm with a wand in hand, back to professor Dumbledore. A silent conversation occurs between the two.

"Ah, Remus, if you could be so kind and put away your wand, we won't be needing them," Albus instructs with his usual calm demeanour. Remus reluctantly puts it away, not at all sure what is happening at this moment.

Remus expectantly looks at the cat, and for a moment nothing, then in a split second as the cat sat, a young girl appeared. No older than 15, due to her size and stature. Her black cargo pants were covered in dirt and holes, with two knife holsters, one on each upper thigh. The girl wears a tight black and grey jacket, two straps of leather go around her torso, and a single one that goes diagonally across her right shoulder to her left underarm, that holds a small pocket. A hood shadows her face. With slow raises of her arms, the hood is discarded.

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