Chapter seven: Start of a bond

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Echo woke up early on October 1st, it was the day after the full moon. She was again, one of the only ones awake. She would usually head to the Great Hall and pick up breakfast and eat in Lupin's office, however, she knew that Professor Lupin wouldn't be up at this time, he would most likely be trying to the sleep the previous night off.

Echo walked down a flight of stone steps with Sionna following behind and was currently in front of a giant portrait of a fruit bowl. She reached her hand out and tickled the giant green pear, it squirmed and giggled, eventually turning into a large green door handle. Grasping it, she pulled it open and climbed through.

The kitchen was filled with busy house-elves, preparing breakfast, and washing any additional plates and silverware. She scanned her eyes over the little bodies, until she found a certain little Elf.


Sipsy's head popped out from behind a large golden platter she was placing on one of the four large tables. Her smile took up more than half of her face, she ran towards the entrance where Echo was. All the house-elves stopped and let Sipsy through the crowd.

Sipsy quickly made her way in front of Echo and bowed. 

"Would you mind doing me a favor?" Echo asked, with a tone that was slightly softer than her usual one.

If Echo thought that Sipsy's smile was big before, she would be mistaken. Sipsy's smile was large, bright and ecstatic.

"Of course not Miss! Sipsy would do anything to help Miss Creed!" She said, excitedly and slightly loud for 6:30am.

Echo smiled softly, but it came off as more of an uncomfortable grimace.

"Thank you, Sipsy. But please no more bowing, and do call me Echo," said Echo, hoping she would listen.

Sipsy's ears dropped a little bit and she had a slight face of confusion. But soon brightened up after she thought about it.

"Yes, if Miss Cre- Echo asks Sipsy to do something she will do it." Her high-pitched and squeaky voice was filled with pride and determination.

"Right," she cleared her throat. "I was hoping you could make this for me by lunchtime, two of each should be fine," Echo said, handing her a small piece of parchment that had a small list of ingredients.

Sipsy's eyes scanned the ingredients list quickly after grasping it from Echo gently. Sipsy nodded to herself and called two house-elves over. They huddled together and began discussing as if it was top secret. After their little huddle was over, the two elves bowed for Echo before scurrying off to help with something else.

She turned back to Echo, and gave her another one of her bright smiles.

"You can count on Sipsy, Miss! Sipsy's task will be completed with extra care and supervision."

"Thank you, Sipsy. I owe you." She reached out and gave Sipsy a short affectionate head pat. She didn't even realize what she did till she pulled her hand back. She cautiously looked down at Sipsy.

Sipsy's eyes were quickly swimming with tears, her face was glowing as she craned her neck up to look at Echo. Sipsy gave her a wide watery smile, she looked as if she could die from happiness.

Echo took Sipsy's stunned silence as her cue to leave, she picked up Sionna up in a swift movement and carried her out of the kitchens.

She passed by an angry Filch, who was covered in what looked like chicken feathers. He was angrily slamming open classroom doors, and searching them, all while muttering incoherent profanities under his breath. Echo ignored him and turned down the corridor that led to the Great Hall. She walked in to see three Gryffindors with far too satisfied smiles on their faces.

Echo in the Night|| OC  Where stories live. Discover now