Chapter Sixteen: The Patronus

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"You've been covering for him."

Hermione cornered Echo in an empty classroom, looking expectedly at her. Her intense gaze switched between Echo's eyes, trying to get something out of the Slytherin.

Echo kept her composure blank. She knew what Hermione was talking about. Hermione finally felt confident in her suspicion about Lupin's lycanthropy.

"I know Professor Lupin is a werewolf," said Hermione, with a look of madden superiority. "It explains everything. He shows all the symptoms— he always looks tired, and sick surrounding the full moons, — " Echo noticed that whenever Hermione ranted, she talked animatedly with her hands, pacing back and forth. " — his boggart wasn't a crystal orb, it was a full moon — Professor Snape gave us the werewolf lesson because he wanted somebody to connect it to Lupin! Professor Lupin is a werewolf! . . . And you've been covering for him!" Hermione accused, acting as if Echo made the biggest betrayal. "Echo, he's dangerous! Werewolves are never in their right minds when the—"

"Hermione," Echo interrupted, calmly. "Professor Lupin is a werewolf, yes. But, he isn't a danger to anybody except himself."

Hermione looked at her, bewildered. Werewolves are extremely dangerous, how could she say that? She observed Echo's calm composure. It's something she was slightly jealous of; Echo never seemed to over-react. Hermione needed to calm down, like Echo. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, counting to ten.

"How — how is Professor Lupin not dangerous?" She asked opening her eyes, calmer now. She had to remember that Echo wasn't reckless, unlike Ron and Harry. Those two would walk into a forest that was known to have dangerous creatures, with no knowledge of where they're going, and talk to those said creatures . . . Oh, wait-

"Professor Snape — he brews a potion called —"

"—Wolfsbane . . . so, he takes that every full moon?" Hermione inquired.

"Yes," she nodded.

"And all the Professors are aware of his lycanthropy? Even Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asked carefully, and slightly shocked as well. She couldn't believe that any of them would knowingly work with a werewolf.

"Of course. They've all been aware of his condition since his time at Hogwarts as a student," Echo explained. "Dumbledore was the one to offer him the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. The only reason Lupin even accepted the offer, is because Dumbledore promised Lupin that Snape would make the Wolfsbane potion. Lupin locks himself in his office when he shifts; out of harms way."

"But- it's still risky having a werewolf at the school, I mean—"

"Hermione, has Professor Lupin given you one reason to believe he was dangerous — before you found out he was a werewolf?"

Hermione was thoughtful for a moment. A guilty expression crossed over her features. Professor Lupin was not only the best DADA teacher they ever had, but he was a helpful man in general; offering Harry Patronus lessons, and letting Echo use his office space for work.

"You're right," she sighed, running her hands down her face. It almost pained her to say that. "I was so caught up with the thought of him being a werewolf . . . I just . . ." she trailed off.

" 'Mione, you can't tell anyone, not even Ron or Harry, and especially not Lupin. If he found out you knew, he would run. His Lycanthropy is not something he's proud of," Echo stressed, looking at Hermione seriously.

Hermione still seemed reluctant so Echo continued, "I'll tell you what — the moment you feel Professor Lupin is a threat to this school, you will have the freedom to tell anybody and everybody."

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