Chapter Seventeen: Hogwarts skeleton key

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"Yes," he sighed, "well- not officially, at least. We acted like one and considered ourselves as a one — just never made it official."

"Fucking knew it," she muttered under her breath.

"Why? Did he ever say anything?" Black asked hopefully.

"Didn't have too. Every time he mentioned 'Padfoot', there was a glint in his eyes, the same one you get . . . bit pathetic really," Echo answered, mumbling the last part.

"What's pathetic—," he paused, taking a large bite out of an apple Echo had brought him. "— is you hanging out with a convicted murderer that's twice your age, instead of going to a bloody school Quidditch match, Kitty-cat," Black said, giving a playful wink at the end.

He was right. After Harry got his Firebolt back from McGonagall, his practices have been nonstop. Resulting in Echo attending his practices, and getting so fed up with the sport that if someone approached her and asked her to play, she would shove their broomstick up their ass and call it a day.

"Not everyone loves Quidditch," said Echo, flatly.

Sirius shifted his position on the thick, fallen log, laying on his stomach with his legs up, kicking them in the air like some child. Her Patronus was situated next to her, preventing any dementors from coming near. They were in the Forbidden Forest; against Echo's better judgment.

"You know, —" he took another bite of his apple. — "I can never fully understand you, Echo Creed. You're like this big bubble of mystery, yet a completely open book at the same time — but like a book written in invisible ink." Sirius grinned playfully, resting his chin on his palm.

"Oh? Please, do elaborate more on your comparison," she responded dryly, setting her journal and quill down, looking up.

"Exactly," he said pointing at her. "When I first met you —"

"— You mean our interaction that lasted for less than two minutes when I caught you mauling a painting after you broke into the castle — ?"

"—technicalities," he waved his hand impatiently. "You acted as if I was a mere inconvenience. And I'm not ashamed to admit this; I was slightly intimidated. I went to the Shrieking Shack that night, mulling over how you reacted — you weren't surprised, threatened, or intimidated — And with my amazing observation skills—" Echo snorted— "I believed you to be egotistical, over-confident, and overall just a bitch. Then," he paused for some unsuccessful dramatic effect, "when you started visiting, you still had that stone cold face. But, you started showing your caring side and your sense of humor — no matter how dry — although you never smile or laugh—"

"— your point?" Echo asked with a bored expression.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that interrupting was rude?" Black pointed out, teasingly.

"As often as your mother told you she loved you," Echo retorted with small smirk.

" . . . . that's cold, Kitty-cat."

She rolled her eyes, "You're really gonna run with that nickname?"

Sirius smiled mischievously, "If it annoys you — which it does — than yes."

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