Chapter two: The Leaky Cauldron

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That week at the Weasley Burrow was tense. The Weasley's only returned from their vacation in Egypt a day before Echo's arrival, so things were a little hectic. Bill and Charlie choose to stay with the rest of the Weasley family until they had to leave for the leaky cauldron.

Upon arriving at the Burrow with Dumbledore via apparation, Echo was warmly welcomed by Mrs Weasley. By warmly welcomed, she was hugged the second she stepped into the Burrow. She had to restrain herself from lashing out and hurting Mrs Weasley. Her eyes were tightly closed shut, her jaw and fists clenched while her arms were pinned to the side. While still in the hug she opened her eyes and surveyed the room with a harsh glare. She landed her eyes upon Dumbles who was talking with Mr Weasley, hoping that he could feel her eyes burn holes into his head so that he would notice Mrs Weasley touching her.

Her hero did not end up to be Dumbledore though, it was Charlie, the second oldest of the Weasley siblings, who asked Mrs Weasley to release her after noticing her stiff body and uncomfortable expression.

After releasing Echo, Mrs Weasley fussed over her after noticing her uncomfortable expression. Echo's face once again returned blank and reassured her just by simply saying that she doesn't like to be touched, Mrs Weasley apologized profusely.

Dumbledore soon left after that, not before receiving a harsh glare from Echo for not being warned about Mrs Weasley.

Everything after that was fine till around dinner, where she met the rest of the Weasley's. Echo quickly noticed that there was a lot of them and they were all red heads.

Though, she rather liked them, they were certainly a good family. She sat in between Fred and George  who insisted and slung their arms over the back of her chair, careful not to touch her. Across from her was Charlie, who conversed with her during dinner, although she didn't go in depth or talk a lot he filled their conversation with his talk about Dragons.

At the end of Dinner, Mr Weasley decided to ask what house she was in. When she answered with Slytherin, the rest of the chatter stopped, all eyes turned to her. Anybody else would have felt awkward by the stares and silence, but she remained impassive and calm. Mrs Weasley broke the silence.

"Slytherin? Why dear, t-that's wonderful... I myself don't know any witches or wizards who were in Slytherin but I'm sure it's a great house," Mrs Weasley's voice was strained and tense.

Everybody looked at Echo differently, except for Charlie and perhaps Bill. Ronald, however, looked at her with hatred and loathing. Echo almost rolled her eyes but she refrained.

"Mrs Weasley, if you're worried about my views on blood status, I assure you I view pure-bloods and Muggle-Borns equally, along with half-bloods. I also don't have anything against Muggles and Squibs either," Echo responded while getting up from her seat and grabbing some empty plates. "Now, why don't you let me clean up Mrs Weasley, you made a lovely meal and deserve a break." her words remained impassive, never truly expressing how she feels.

"Why don't I help," Charlie offered, not before giving the rest of his family a disapproving glance. Mr and Mrs Weasley gave a look of surprise from both heads of the table. But a small smile found its way on her face "Call me Molly dear." Echo just nodded in reply before joining Charlie to the kitchen to wash the plates and silverware.

Things were tense after the dinner, nobody really mingled with her, besides Charlie and sometimes Bill. Charlie enjoyed spending time with the Slytherin, even though she didn't speak much he found her presence rather calming.

The rest of the Weasley's were rather apprehensive in conversing with the Slytherin. But after helping Molly with the meals and the chores, Molly quickly grew attached to Echo. Ginny warmed up to her too, she asked Ginny for help naming the fox, who she named Sionna after the river goddess. After covering for the twins when a prank went horribly, the twins grew fond of her as well and asked to join in on the pranks, but she declined.

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