Chapter Twenty: The Servant of Lord Voldemort

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"Never mind, don't answer that. You'll probably give me a riddle or something," she muttered as an after thought.

The Slytherin stood in the middle while both sides stood confused. She just acknowledged Black with the same casualness she would give anybody else. Hermione, Ron, and Harry's relieved expressions turned apprehensive, staring at Echo, wondering why she didn't immediately join their side.

Hermione quickly grew suspicious, she warily glanced between Black and Echo. He didn't seem at all worried about her presence, in fact, he seemed a little relieved. Hermione knew now, that the chances of Echo siding with the Trio grew impossibly thin. She was correct as Echo side stepped into the middle of Lupin and Black.

Harry went pale, all color was drained from his face. His eyes traveled back and forth from the mass murderer, to the person he believed to be his friend as they stood side by side.

"No . . ." he whispered in disbelief. The hurt of Echo's betrayal coated his voice.

"I-I don't believe it," Hermione mumbled, equally shocked at Echo's choice of side.

"You're a traitor!" Ron shouted, clutching the struggling Scabbers closer to his chest.

The three Gryffindors felt like they've all been stabbed in the back by the one person they welcomed into their group. They're Professor betraying them was one thing, but their friend's was almost impossible to come to terms with. Harry felt lied to, he was confident in confiding with Echo about his concerns and secret desires; Hermione felt stupid, trusting Echo with her secret when she kept Lupin's lycanthropy from the others; Ron was furious, he should've followed his gut feeling about befriending a Slytherin.

Lupin observed Echo as she stared straight at the Trio. Guilt started rising in his chest, thinking that she only joined him because she felt obligated to help him. "Echo . . . you should think about what you're doing," he suggested, wanting Echo to join her friends.

Echo ignored him. "I know you've all made your judgments about me, all trust is gone—"

"— long gone!" Harry corrected. His expression matched Ron's, both furious.

"Don't listen to her! She's known about Lupin since the beginning! And I bet she's been helping Black, too!" Hermione yelled, putting the pieces together. Harry and Ron looked even more betrayed, knowing that Echo covered for Lupin.

"Two for two, Hermione," Echo admitted calmly. She understood what was going through their minds. There was no going around it until undeniable evidence was given. "I have known about his lycanthropy since the beginning. But I haven't been helping Black in the way that you think."

Lupin looked between Echo and Black with mass amounts of confusion in his eyes. Black wasn't looking at anybody but the rat.

"What do you mean?! You've been helping him into the castle so he could kill Harry!" Ron accused.

"No," said Echo firmly. "I never helped him into the castle . . . that was all him. I did, however, let him escape. Since November's full moon I've been bringing him food and other necessities. I've also helped with the search for Scabbers. But Harry," she said, locking eyes with him. He wanted to look away but felt compelled to stare back. "I've only helped him because I believe him to be innocent. Not now, or ever, would I want you dead."

"I don't believe you," Harry said strongly.

"Then it's time we offered you some proof," said Black. "You boy — give me Peter. Now."

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