Strange Noises 1

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hehe I'm back :)
i had boards so i couldnt find the motivation to write or do anything
i didnt do very well incase anybody is interested so i need to really work harder for the upcoming exam which surprise surprise is in a month :D
The next day I came back from school really tired. All I wanted to do was to take a relaxing bath and sleep. I was so tired that I had forgotten about the guests in the house. As I slowly dragged my feet towards my room, I heard my mom call my name. I went to her room.


"Y/N have you kept an alarm clock or something in your room?"
I looked at her confused. "Alarm clock? No, why?"

"Well there were some loud noises coming from your room, but when I go in there, there is nothing there?" I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. I knew damn well that it must have been Inosuke. "I must have kept something on my laptop by mistake." I tell her.
"Ah also did you rearrange your room? Why would you put the bookshelf there?"
I gave a very guilty smile. She gave me a questioning look but lets it go.  I was tired and sleepy and now knowing that my mom suspects me of hiding something, I was angry. I'm supposed to have a clean record.
I barged into my room, the door hitting the wall. I drop kicked my bag across the room and closed the door (ok that hurt my foot). As soon as I did, everybody else came out of their hiding places, well except for Inosuke.


I woke up in the middle of the night because Inosuke had fallen off the bed. He was still out cold tho. How hard did they hit him damn. I was still half asleep, so You can imagine my reaction when I saw a man with a boar head in my room. I caught myself from screaming just in time. I sighed. I did not want to lift him up cause 1. he is heavy,
2. I was still sleepy and
3. I am not good at physical activities. (sorry if u are, but just act for this story. Also you are short, around 5-5'1 feet tall just cuz) I turned around and went back to sleep.

 At around 5 in the morning I heard some shuffling and a loud thump. I sat up fast. Inosuke had somehow managed to roll under the bed and had hit his head while trying to get up. He was still drowsy. He slowly rolled out and sat up. I immediately knew what was going to happen and jumped towards him. I removed his mask and covered his mouth so he wouldn't start screaming first thing in the morning. I must have caused a little sound as the door opened and the flame pillar came in with his sword in hand(fast reaction). He saw Inosuke and immediately understood. He nodded towards the door and the other 3 hashiras came in. Nezuko must have still been sleeping.

 I made the 'keep quiet' sign to Inosuke and slowly removed my hand. He glared at me but I just ignored him. I got up and dusted myself then spoke, "What are you guys doing awake?" Mitsuri replied, "I heard some noise coming from this room so I came to check. I saw everybody else also going to your room." Everybody else nodded. I wiped an imaginary tear away from my eyes, "You guys care for me?" Everybody else sweatdropped. I got up and stretched. "Well, I'm going to head back to sleep cause I still have uhhhh", I looked at the clock, "about 1 and a 1/2 hours before my alarm goes off, so goodnight." I tried shooing them all out my room but to no avail. 

"Don't you train or exercise at this time?"Giyyu asked. I tilted my head and then started laughing (quietly of course. "No silly. I am a sloth. I laze around all day and never workout."I proclaimed proudly. Giyuu deadpanned.

Inosuke suddenly got up and pushed all of us out and shut the door

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Inosuke suddenly got up and pushed all of us out and shut the door. We all were sprawled on the floor. I growled and went to open the door. But that idiot had locked the door. I didn't even know he knew how locks worked considering he lived in the wild outdoors. I couldn't start struggling cause my mom might wake up. I sighed in annoyance. Giyuu tapped my shoulder. "Do you think you could open the upstairs door? I'd like to start training atleast" I nodded sleepily and slowly went towards the door. I unlocked it and opened. In the quiet of the morning, the noise it made was horrific. I froze. Shit! I had forgotten about this loud ass door. I didn't hear my mom coming so we quickly went up.

"I'll go make something for breakfast. You can wait here if you want. They all nodded. I went down and made eggs and toast (cuz like the easiest -and only thing i can make without help- dish). I was going to have to do something about food cause my mom will notice the missing ingredients. Specially since there was a large group of people here now. I finished cooking and managed to bring everything upstairs. After eating I came back down and wen to my room cuz my mom would come to check if i was awake soon. Time sure passes by when you're doing anything you dont hate.

When I enetered, I was welcomed with a very confusing sight. Inosuke had somehow managed to climb on top of my cupboard and had fallen asleep there. Seriously man he should have been a cat. How was I supposed to get him down now. I knew I had some rope with me (for SCC - Sea Cadet Corps - you guys). It should be long enough to tie him to something else so he can't move anywhere. I heard the others some down and stand next to me. I heard Mitsuri say, "Oh the door was op-bah!" She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughter. At her reaction everybody looked towards the cupboard. Giyuu raised his eyebrow in question and Rengoku was just plain confused. Muichiro didn't look very moved. And Nezuko just tilted her head to the side trying to figure out how he did that.

"How did he manage to get up there?" Rengoku asked. "Don't ask me. I didn't really expect him to go back sleep much less on my cupboard. I don't even know how he found it comfortable enough to sleep off." Mitsuri was still giggling quietly. 

A few moments later

Somehow we managed to get him down and tie him to window grill. We then moved the bookshelf in front of it. I had taped his mouth closed so he couldn't shout. I was panting. This was the most exercise I had done. I heard my mom open the door. She would come to wake me and S/n in 5 minutes. Everybody else went and his in different spaces of my room as my mom came in. 

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