Karaoke (Part 1)

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Ha I swear I saw Kenma blush when I called him ‘Kitten’. “Ok I’ll play- BUT I am NOT wasting all of this alcohol so everyone is having some.” After half an hour all of the alcohol had been drunk, with only Iwazumi sober. “So how are we doing the hokey cokey-” “Karaoke.” Iwazumi corrected. “Yeaaaah karaoke when there’s no electricity?” Oikawa asked. “Welllllll I save songs to my phone and I have microphones.” Suga said, flopped over Daichi’s lap, “Hang on let me get them.” As soon as he stood up he fell down again, luckily Daichi’s quick reflexes caught him. The thing about Suga is that he will try and seem like he’s a heavyweight but really after a tiny sip of anything he’s already drunk. “Wow you have really pretty eyes,” he said to Daichi who was blushing madly at his boyfriend’s comment. “Oooooooooooooooooooo,” Kuroo and Oikawa shouted together. “Hey I said it first!” “Yeah well no one wants you hear so you aren’t actually here so that means I was the only one who said it!” “Oh yeah well-” “TETSUROU KUROO SHUT UP BEFORE I SHUT YOU UP MYSELF!” Kenma yelled stomping into the tent, interupting Kuroo and Oikawa’s arguing. Holy hell he looks good when he- no no no no no. Stupid brain! Hang on he yelled? At me? Crap! “You can shut me up all you like, Kitten, I’d let you.” “Oh my god you are imposible.” Kenma retorted storming out of the tent back to his own. “Wellllllllllll thats my cue to leave I guess.” Kuroo said before standing up and running out of the tent to get Kenma to come back.

Once Kuroo got to the tent he unziped it and walked through the door, bashing his head on the top of the tent. He look around the tent but all he saw were their beds, bags and a ton of blankets - no Kenma. He was about to leave and look at the shower block until he heared a loud groan followed by the sound of a character dying on a some sort of video game. “Kenma?” “What Kuroo?” Came from under the blankets in a harsh tone. “Jeez I was just looking for you but it looks like my little Kitty is in a bad mood. Soooo what’s up?” “Nothing go away Kuroo.” “Awwww what a shame that the only way to get rid of me is by telling me what’s wrong.” Kenma just huffed and the sound of the video gome restarting could be heared. “Come on Kenma just tell me Kitten.” the game was turned off and Kenma appeared from under the blankets, tears staining his face. “Ok fine have it your way! I’m not coming out there ‘cause I’m in love with one of them out there and from what I can tell - which isn’t much - they don’t like me back.” Kuroo’s heart dropped. He l-l-likes someone in Daichi
and Suga’s tent? I never thought we would get together but if he gets with someone else - no you have to make him feel beter even if that means him geting with someone else. “Kenma I don’t know who this person is but they would be and idiot - not even an idiot, worse than an idiot if they didn’t love you back. You’re such an amazing person. Mabye you do come across as a cold-hearted introvert, but you’re so much more than that and anyone would be lucky to have you. And trust me when I say I know at least one person who loves you way too much for his own good. I-I-I-I mean their own good, yeah, their own good.” Kenma de-tangled himself from all of the blankets and  looked at Kuroo, “You really mean that? That people would be lucky to date me?” “Of course I do I wouldn’t have said it other wise.” “Who did you mean?” “Huh? I don’t remeber talking ‘bout anyone.” “Kuroo can you just tell me who you meant. I doubt it’s the person I love but I won’t mention it to them either way.” Holy fuck this is a bad idea. Well hear goes nothing! “When I do tell you you have to tell them - no matter what you think of them ok?” Kenma nodded in response, signling for the taller male to continue. “Well it’s me…

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