Chapter 4: New Life, New Opportunities

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With advancing times, it wasn't a surprise that the Sakura Empire had adopted more modern looking restaurants with equally skilled chefs to prepare only the best of the best for their customers- Akagi, Naganami and Shikikan found themselves staring at bowls of udon noodles and a large plate of tempura has been put off to the side.

"I haven't had this stuff before, looks absolutely delicious." Shikikan chuckles.

"Only the best of the best. Itadakimasu." Akagi says, clapping her hands together before she begins eating. Shikikan looks with confusion.

"It's just something we say before eating." Naganami clarifies.

"I see." Shikikan says as he and Naganami also begin eating. As they eat, Shikikan is hit with both familiar and unfamiliar flavors, and he finds himself lost in the taste. "Oh my goodness..." Akagi only giggles, covering her mouth to hide that fact.

"You really like it, don't you?" Naganami asks.

"Indeed I do." Shikikan replies. "Please tell the chefs I leave my greatest regards."

"Of course." Akagi says. "So what was life for you back then? Before you got here?"

"I mean it was fairly normal, boring at most." Shikikan replies. "I'm looking to have a good time, you know?"

"Hm? A good time?" Akagi giggles, and Shikikan nearly spits out his noodles.

"No I didn't mean like that!" Shikikan quickly says. "Since when did THAT thought come up in your head?!"

"Sister, please." A gruff sounding voice calls out, and all three turn to see none other than Kaga, sitting at a different table, having witnessed everything unfold. "This is why the last commander left."

"Wait... The last commander?" Shikikan asks. "You mean to tell me I'm not the first one?"

"Far from it." Kaga replies. "We've had an... Unlucky streak where we keep losing commanders. Some just outright leave, others sacrificed themselves to keep us safe, the longest we've had one is a month. We're all hoping that you'll be a more permanent addition to our ranks."

"What happened with those commanders that just left?" Shikikan asks. "It didn't have anything to do with you girls... Did it?"

"No, certainly not." Kaga replies. "It was more of a "them" problem."

"I see." Shikikan says. "Well, I promise you that I will remain a permanent addition, no matter what gets thrown at me."

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Akagi says as she picks out a piece of tempura and bites into it. "Oh my, I haven't had anything like this in a while."

"Back where I came from they tried to do this, but with... What was it... Bananas." Shikikan replies. Naganami continues eating, oblivious to what she's just heard, but as soon as this hits Akagi's ears she freezes up, a piece of her already bitten tempura stopping at her lips.

"Wait... What?" Akagi asks, not sure whether to continue eating and forget, or stop and question.

"I wouldn't worry about it if I were you." Shikikan replies as he grabs a piece of tempura and bites into it. Once again Akagi giggles as Shikikan relishes in the taste. Lunch goes by fairly quickly, and it's not long before the three find themselves walking around and exploring the city once more.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the food." Akagi says as she and Naganami lead Shikikan around.

"Yeah, that was pretty good." Shikikan replies as he greets more passerbys. Eventually, Akagi spots someone off in the distance, and Shikikan's eyes land on her as well. She has long, flowing brown hair, gentle purple eyes and she wears a mostly red and black kimono. In her hands is a parasol, and she moves with a slow, elegant gait.

"Ah, Amagi!" Akagi calls out. Amagi's head whips up from it's idle position, and she coughs before looking towards the source of the voice.

"Oh, Akagi." Amagi says as she slowly walks over. "And... Is this our new shikikan?"

"Yes, that is me miss." Shikikan replies. "An honor to meet you." Initially he extends his arm to shake hands with Amagi, but as soon as he sees her start coughing he quickly pulls back, opting to bow instead. "You must know Akagi very well no?"

"Indeed I do." Amagi says. "This humble Amagi will be under your command from here on."

"So, shall we continue?" Akagi asks. "There's so much we want to show you!"

"Of course." Shikikan replies. "Let us continue the tour." And with that Amagi joins the little group. "I'm definitely going to like it here."

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