Chapter 9: Raining Hell

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Bismarck watched from a distance as Takao escorted Shikikan to his patrol boat to head back to the Sakura Empire, but before Shikikan could actually reach his boat everyone started hearing the sounds of dive bombers...

"Shikikan! Watch out!" Takao shouts as she pulls Shikikan out of harm's way, just as a small group of Eagle Union hellcats annihilate the very docks that Shikikan was standing on just a few minutes ago. The resulting shockwaves from the bombs send both the commander and the heavy cruiser flying but Takao hugs Shikikan tight, taking the brunt of the fall as she lands hard on her tailbone, nearly paralyzing her as they tumble along the ground. "ARGH!"

"Takao!" Shikikan says as he quickly leaves Takao's embrace and checks her over. "Are you okay?!"

"That was a rough landing... I... I can't move!" Takao replies through gritted teeth as she tries to get back on her feet, but the unbearable pain forbids her from even sitting up properly. "Ugh... This hurts so much... But I will not falter!" She continues to try and get back up despite the immense pain.

"Here, let me help you get back up." Shikikan says as he gives Takao support. Meanwhile the entire Ironblood navy takes to the waters, trying to find the source of the planes, and Bismarck sticks close to the duo.

"I don't know where the hell those came from, but you might wanna stick here until we can clear it all up." Bismarck says as the Ironblood girls continue searching. Eventually the sound of AA guns can be heard somewhere off in the distance, and all of the Ironblood girls immediately move to the source, guns at the ready.

"I found the source of the planes!" Z2's voice calls out as a short, green haired girl is thrown out into the open. She looks like she would belong in a university and she's trying her best to avoid the massive number of shells going at her.

"Shit! They found Langley!" Another voice calls out. "Oklahoma! Now!"

"What the?!" Bismarck shouts as a volley of shells is fired in her direction, and she just barely makes it to the water as explosions rock the land and craters are left behind by the explosions. When the smoke clears a pair of battleships can be seen locking their eyes on Takao and Shikikan: one of them has long blonde hair that covers one of her yellow eyes and she appears to be dressed for the wild west; the other has short white hair and blue eyes and is dressed much similarly to her partner, albeit a little skimpier. "More Eagle Union girls?! Geez Shikikan, whatever you did back there must have REALLY pissed them off!"

"There he is!" The white haired girl known as Oklahoma shouts. "Nevada, focus fire!"

"Right on!" Nevada shouts back as she and Oklahoma aim their cannons at Shikikan and Takao.

"What in the fuck-" Bismarck doesn't get to say anything else as Z2 rushes onto the land and tackles Shikikan and Takao out of the way- just in time to avoid the combined salvo from the two battleships. Eventually an all out war breaks out in the Ironblood waters as mass production Eagle Union ships emerge to harass the Ironblood girls, keeping them preoccupied while Shikikan and Takao do what they can to avoid getting turned into a paste.

"Takao to home base, we're in Ironblood territory and we're under heavy fire!" Takao says through a radio communicator.

"Wait what? What happened?!" Atago's voice crackles.

"The Eagle Union decided to surprise everyone and they've got our Ironblood allies in a pinch! We could use some help here!" Takao replies.

"This is Akagi. Kaga and I are making our way out there." Akagi's voice crackles. "Those eagle girls might have the firepower, but WE have the skills!" And with that a large group of zeros and tenzans begins diving down on the attacking Eagle Union ships. Bombs galore are dropped and the Sakura Empire planes rip many of the enemy ships a new one with their guns while torpedoes begin doing a number on the Eagle Union girls, sending some flying while knocking others onto their faces, and it's not long before the sudden assault forces the Eagle Union to retreat for now.

"You haven't seen the last of us!" Nevada yells as she and Oklahoma limp away with the others. "Fucking hell, we should have called San Diego when we had the chance..."

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