Chapter 11: Brewing Storm

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"Naganami, cover me while I get to one of the ships on the docks!" Shikikan calls out as he and Naganami make a run for it before Wichita regains her senses.

"On it!" Naganami replies as she begins wildly firing her cannons all about, taking care not to hit Shikikan in the process. Any eagle girls that might have gotten onto Sakura Empire land are quickly shooed away by the sight of a wildly firing destroyer and Shikikan eventually makes it to a mass produced light cruiser, quickly hopping on as it departs for battle and surprising some of the crew.

"What the?! Shikikan?!" The various crew members ask as Shikikan quickly takes control of the whole situation.

"No time to argue, either we're pushing the Eagle Union out or they're going to obliterate us!" Shikikan replies as Naganami begins circling the light cruiser while it departs. "All cannons fire!"

"Yes sir!" The crew shouts as the cannons open fire on various mass produced Eagle Union ships. Some of the shots that Shikikan calculates himself manage to put the likes of the giant battleships out of commission while others annihilate the smaller destroyers that are attempting to take down his cruiser.

"Wait, is that Shikikan?! And Naganami?!" Akagi asks as she and Kaga notice the lone cruiser moving out into the battlefield.

"Sorry about that!" Shikikan replies. "Had to take a little detour!"

"Let's do this!" Naganami shouts as she fires off a salvo of torpedoes, catching an unsuspecting San Diego off guard and sending her flying.

"OW!" San Diego shouts as she lands on her face and Nevada and Oklahoma notice.

"What in tarnation?" Nevada grumbles as she spots Shikikan's cruiser. "Wait... Ain't that the same commander that we attacked over at the Ironblood territory?"

"That is!" Oklahoma shouts. "Attention all Eagle Union ships, the Sakura Empire's commander has emerged! Focus fire!"

"Shit!" Takao growls. "Atago, they're going after Shikikan!"

"They won't be doing anything if we strike first!" Atago shouts as she charges forward, dodging the heavy shells that Nevada and Oklahoma are firing off. Meanwhile San Diego has gotten back up and stands alongside Bremerton before they fire off a combined barrage, just barely hitting Shikikan's cruiser had it not been for Kaga using her planes to suddenly distract and obstruct them.

"What the?!" San Diego shouts as a zero starts shooting at her. She quickly dodges and lets loose a storm of anti air fire that obliterates the plane before she focuses her AA guns on the cruiser itself.

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Bremerton asks. "Are you nuts?"

"I'm not nuts!" San Diego laughs. "I'm NUMBER ONE! THAT'S WHAT!"

"Shit! Focus fire on the redhead girl!" Shikikan shouts.

"Which one?!" A crew member asks.

"Both of them!" Shikikan shouts again as the cannons begin firing on the cruisers. San Diego and Bremerton are quick to dodge and the light cruiser quickly begins firing her anti air guns at the cruiser itself, slowly but surely riddling it with holes while Bremerton covers her.

"Crap! Our ship is getting turned into swiss cheese!" A crew member shouts.

"Keep firing!" Shikikan shouts back.

"Whatever you're doing, it's working!" Bremerton says. "Keep it- shit!"

"What now?" San Diego asks, but her questions quickly get answered when she begins hearing the sound of wailing sirens...

"Those are Ironblood planes!" Akagi calls out as a squadron of stuka dive bombers begin screaming their way down on the Eagle Union ships.

"What the hell?!" Nevada shouts as she tries to cover her head, hoping the wailing sirens will stop. This only results in a huge number of bombs pelting both her and Oklahoma, and it's not long before they have to retreat due to battle damage.

"This isn't good at all!" Langley shouts as another squadron begins diving on her, forcing the light carrier to escape before she also gets bombarded.

"San Diego, we might want to get going by now!" Bremerton shouts as she spots another squadron of dive bombers.

"Not if I can help it!" San Diego shouts back, but when she goes to aim at the planes they begin dive bombing and the wailing sirens begin filling her ears, disorienting her. "Shit!" And with that the planes pelt the eagle cruisers and force them to retreat, with those that tried to hide in the Sakura Empire land quickly following suit. With no sign of the Eagle Union left in the Sakura Empire waters the girls recover from their injuries and their allies emerge from afar.

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