Chapter 10: Direct Strike

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Takao and Shikikan safely made it back to their base without any further interruptions from the Eagle Union and the Royal Navy was nowhere to be found on the waters, ensuring that no drama would ensue.

"So, even they have no idea what it is?" Kaga asks.

"Bismarck was very intrigued, but she couldn't pinpoint what the device was." Shikikan replies. "She's researching it as we speak, and when she's done she'll give us an update on what it is."

"Hopefully she finishes soon... I'm worried about what's going to happen if that thing hits us." Akagi says. "We're surrounded by the very oceans we thrive on- a tsunami could easily wipe out not just our base, but our land as a whole if it were big enough."

"Well, let's not get TOO far ahead of ourselves Akagi. For all we know they could just have that thing for show." Shikikan replies. "Maybe they just want to scare people into thinking they've got a giant weapon of mass destruction and it turns out the thing's just what is, a big bomb."

"You certainly don't seem that scared." Kaga says.

"No, not really." Shikikan replies. "Akashi!"

"Yes nya?" Akashi asks as she walks in.

"You wouldn't happen to have the stats for our economy on you at the moment?" Shikikan asks back.

"I wasn't sure why you requested them, but here you go nya." Akashi replies as she hands Shikikan an economy report.

"Thank you." Shikikan says as he looks it over. "So far... Looks pretty steady. Long as nothing hits our land, we might just be fine."

"Don't speak too soon..." Akagi says grimly as she closes her eyes and grimaces. "Something tells me the Eagle Union wants to pay us a "friendly" visit."

"How do you know?" Shikikan asks.

"I've had recon planes out there ever since you and Takao were attacked." Akagi replies. "And it looks like I've picked up a small group of ships headed our way- wait there's more?!"

"Shit, looks like we're gonna have to go to arms yet again!" Shikikan grumbles. "Everyone get out there, whatever they plan on doing is going to cost us if we don't stop them."

"Roger that!" Takao says. "Atago! Quickly!"

"Right!" Atago replies as everyone rushes out, but Naganami is nowhere to be found.

"Where'd she go...?" Shikikan mumbles as he runs alongside the girls when he suddenly hears a scream... "Naganami!"

"Shikikan?! Where are you going?!" Atago shouts.

"You girls go on without me!" Shikikan shouts back as he starts running towards the source of the scream. Eventually after enough running he manages to come across Naganami- albeit held at cannonpoint by an eagle girl that had snuck past the entire scuffle.

"Shikikan! Help-" Naganami doesn't get to say anymore as her captor knocks her over the head, knocking her out and leaving her somewhat limp.

"So, you're the commander of the Sakura Empire huh? I expected you to be a little more... Wimpier." The eagle girl laughs. She has long red hair and matching red eyes to boot, and in her hand is a long riding crop with a weighted shaft and head. Her light cruiser cannons are pointed at Naganami and she snarls at Shikikan like a wolf. "You take a step closer, and the girl gets it!" Not wanting to lose Naganami Shikikan takes a couple of steps back. "Good boy."

"You aren't getting away with this, whoever you are!" Shikikan growls.

"And what are YOU going to do about it?" The red haired girl laughs. "You're standing before the Eagle Union's Wichita, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me!" Unfortunately she's oblivious to the fact that Naganami is slowly regaining her senses. Unable to react fast enough the Sakura Empire destroyer jerks her leg forward before performing a powerful back kick, nailing Wichita in her nether regions and sending her crashing into a wall. "OUCH!"

"Oh! That looked absolutely painful!" Shikikan says as Naganami rushes by his side. Wichita slowly gets back up on her feet, stunned by the powerful blow, and her eyes almost seem to glow as she bares her teeth and aims her cannons.

"You little shrine bitch!" Wichita shouts. "Now you're gonna get it!" And with that she lashes out with her crop but Shikikan steps in front of Naganami, getting his face bloodied and battered by the whip. "What?!"

"Not this time!" Shikikan shouts as he spits out blood and winds back to throw a mighty punch that manages to floor the light cruiser and she remains on the ground, too dizzy to get up.

"Shikikan, you saved me!" Naganami cries out as she hugs Shikikan.

"Now's not the time for that, we've got bigger fish to fry out there." Shikikan says stoically as he looks out to the waters where Akagi and company are engaged in a heated battle with familiar faces like San Diego, Bremerton, Langley, Nevada and Oklahoma among many other Eagle Union ships. "Let's go!"

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