Chapter 5: East and West

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A few days had passed since Shikikan was first introduced to the entire Sakura Empire, and with Naganami helping him along the way he got to know all of the residents. The entire nation had accepted Shikikan as their commander and were more than willing to put their lives on the line for him, some asking to do more than just that much to their amusement. Currently Shikikan is trying to play against Amagi in a game of shogi, and he is getting trounced no matter what he does.

"Damn... You're really good at this." Shikikan says as Akagi and Kaga only watch.

"Well, you haven't played this before so of course you'd have a little trouble." Amagi replies. "Besides, I was just going easy." She adds with a small giggle. "That's the fifth time in a row that I've won."

"Now you know how I feel when I try to play against her, huh?" Kaga chuckles, but she quickly shuts up when Amagi shoots her a glare. "Sorry."

"Ah no need to worry." Shikikan says. "If anything I'm more used to what I call dragon's chess."

"Dragon's chess?" Akagi asks. "What's that?"

"My people adopted this game from the Dragon Empery." Shikikan replies. "If I had the resources I could actually craft the board and pieces by hand, but that would take quite a bit out of my already busy schedule."

"I'm sure you'll find some time to do that, I'm very intrigued." Amagi says. "Shall we fancy one more round since you're more used to it?"

"I think my brain's been worked enough." Shikikan laughs, but suddenly Takao emerges.

"Shikikan, are you busy at the moment?" She asks.

"Nope, not at the moment. Is something up?" Shikikan asks back as he stands up.

"Follow me." Takao replies as Shikikan quickly follows her and the fox trio quickly joins, leaving Naganami to tend to Shikikan's residence. Hidden under a trapdoor in the shrine is a debriefing room that doubles as a bunker in the case that the Sakura Empire faces a bombing. The room is stocked with various food items for that event and there is a large table with what appears to be a hologram projector, something that's very strangely out of place in the very traditionally constructed buildings.

"Where did you guys get this?" Shikikan asks.

"Even the mightiest leader keeps their secrets as to how they win their wars." Takao replies as the group meets around the projector. Atago can be seen fiddling with said projector, making sure it's in tip top shape, before she notices Shikikan.

"Ah, you've brought him here, good." Atago says as she finishes her handiwork and switches on the projector. "That should stop any problems from happening with this thing." As soon as the projector begins whirring to life it shows a map of the entire world, complete with various blips that show ships from various other nations floating around.

"So, what do we have in plan here?" Shikikan asks. "Something to do with our neighbors from the Pacific?"

"Well, something's been really fishy about the way the Eagle Union has been moving about." Takao replies as she points at the Eagle Union waters. Takao's suspicions are confirmed when Shikikan and the others notice a particularly large blip, much larger than any of the other blips currently on the projector, and Akagi looks on with worry.

"Do you girls have any idea what that is?" Shikikan asks.

"Well, we've tried to send recon over to see what it's all about, but attempts have ended in either planes getting shot down or ships getting turned into lotus roots. Clearly we're going to need some more support if we're going to find this out." Takao explains.

"Then I'll personally get out there with you girls to see what that is." Shikikan says. Amagi immediately spits out her tea and coughs for a few seconds before righting herself and looking at Shikikan.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Amagi asks. "You'll get blown to bits!"

"Oh believe me, I have something up my sleeves." Shikikan replies. "Just trust me, I've got a way to find out just what that thing is, and those burgerheads won't even know that I was there."

"Are you sure about that?" Amagi asks. "If you do, then pray that none of us have to come home as a cube. Please explain what you have in plan."

"I shall." Shikikan replies. "Here's what we do..."

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