Chapter 7: Bombs Away

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"That was a very risky move." Amagi says as she and the others find themselves in the hologram room with Shikikan. "But it did provide valuable information. Did you get a clear picture of what you found?"

"I did." Shikikan replies as he produces the picture on the hologram projector. The girls are shocked at what Shikikan had found.

"What... Is that?" Akagi asks as she looks at the strange object that Shikikan had found. The object appears to be a bomb much bigger than what any of the Sakura Empire or even the Ironblood could produce, and it appears to have a skull painted on the sides. The bomb itself appears to have a very flat nose, almost as if the giant explosive was meant to splat into something before detonating, and the fins are designed much differently than most bombs as if to keep the explosive on a directly downward path.

"What in the world is the Eagle Union doing with something like THAT?" Kaga asks in disbelief.

"Well, whatever it is, we've got to stop them before they use it." Shikikan replies. "We have to find a way to sabotage that explosive device, or at worst detonate it so they can't use it."

"That's going to be a challenge in itself Shikikan." Amagi says. "You saw how hard the Eagle Union pushed to defend themselves."

"I had to spend the better half of the day making repairs as well." Akashi adds as she walks in, having overheard the conversation. "You've got to be real careful about this kind of stuff as this can take quite the toll on our budget. Sure we have a lot, but if we keep taking tons of hits like this it's only going to last for so long."

"Right." Shikikan replies. "Sorry you girls had to take a beating out there."

"No need to apologize." Akagi says. "At least we got what we needed, and now we know what we're going up against."

"Now let's just hope that the Eagle Union doesn't try and go all out on us." Shikikan replies. "They seemed really intent on keeping that thing hidden from us."

"Should we talk with the Ironbloods?" Naganami asks. "They might have a little something."

"Talk with the Ironbloods?" Shikikan replies.

"Yeah, it never hurt to ask." Akagi says. "They've been our allies for quite some time, it never hurt to see if they have any opinions on what the Eagle Union has."

"I guess it never hurt." Shikikan chuckles. "So, who's going to come with me to the Ironblood territory?" Nobody really says anything for a few seconds, and then Takao pipes up.

"I'll go with him." Takao says. "If it's a bodyguard you need, I'll be by your side."

"Fair enough." Shikikan replies and Akagi puffs her cheeks in disappointment for a few seconds.

"All right, you two make your way there." Akagi says. "Do tell Graf Zeppelin I said hi!"

"Okay." Shikikan replies. "Let's go Takao."

"Roger." Takao says as she and Shikikan leave the projector room and head towards the docks. Shikikan takes a small and speedy patrol boat and Takao sails alongside him, keeping her eyes peeled for any possible threats that might be out there.

"Huh, looks like the waters are clear, for now." Shikikan mumbles as he sails alongside the heavy cruiser.

"Don't speak too soon..." Takao says as she looks up and notices planes bearing the iron cross. "Looks like the Ironbloods are on patrol today."

"Huh, what's been bugging them?" Shikikan asks as he looks around. It's not long before a destroyer floats by them and looks at them suspiciously. She has brown hair with a braid on her side, blood red eyes, and a mostly dark blue, red and white outfit. A similarly colored beret sits on her head and her right hand appears to have been replaced with a shark head.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I'm the Sakura Empire's Takao, and this is our new commander." Takao replies. "Just call him Shikikan."

"Very well then, at least you're not enemies." The Ironblood destroyer says in a rather monotone voice. "I'm Z2, or you can call me George Thiele."

"What has you girls on patrol today Thiele?" Shikikan asks. "It's not very often we see you out here."

"There was a struggle that some of our recon planes caught and we just wanted to make sure that it wouldn't breach our waters." Z2 replies. "What has you two out here?"

"We wanted to speak with you girls about something I had found." Shikikan says, and Z2's normally calm face becomes grim.

"Something you found?" Z2 asks.

"If you'll let me explain." Shikikan replies.

"I'll take you to Bismarck right away, she'll be interested." Z2 says. "Follow me."

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