Hello and Goodbye

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I slept the rest of the day away. The times I wasn’t drawing new images I was sleeping. Hunger pains took over my body reminding me I haven’t ate in a while, but no matter how much pain I’m in I won’t eat. I deserve all the pain I’m in. I probably should pack my bags for the journey tomorrow, but I couldn’t bring myself to move from the bed. Why can’t I just be happy? Why was its life’s mission to destroy my happiness every time I felt it? I pulled myself from the bed not wanting to answer myself. Sometimes some questions you ask should never be answered for the answer could break you more than the question itself.  My suitcase was packed with all the clothes leaving a dark grey sweater and leggings for the plane ride tomorrow. I started to sing quietly under my breath folding the clothes.  The task of folding was keeping me from drawing the only thing that could ever take away my pain for a while. After that I quietly move to the restroom. My whole body aching from the effort of moving. I stepped through the shower feeling my skin burn. I washed my hair as fast as I could not wanting to be here any longer. When I got out I followed the instructions on the bottle. While I waited for it to be done I stared into the mirror. Picking out all my faults, and thinking of ways I could fix them. The same answers as always leaked into my mind, causing me to spiral further into darkness. I shook my head rinsing the dye and drying my hair. Its naturally straight so looks like I’ll be curling it in the near future. I walked out of the bathroom and back to my own room. I didn’t bother turning back on my light. I just curled into a ball huddled in my blankets. Demons terrorized my mind I tried to ignore them but they continued their screams. I closed my eyes falling asleep to the same lullaby that puts me to sleep every night.

I woke up the next day being gently shaken. I peeled open my tired eyes looking up at Ashley, her face was a mask of sorrow. I knew it was time to leave my home. Do I have to go or can I just deal with whatever the killers plan is?

“It’s time to go Paige.”

She whispered it as if she were to say it louder it would only make this more real. I stood up as she walked away the pains have subsided. After a while it melts away only to return later in the day. I pulled on the traveling clothes pulling my suitcases behind me, glancing one last time into my room, that I may never look in again. I climbed the stairs and walked out of the house getting into the car. I stared out my window watching the trees fly past my window. Florida was beautiful and I’m going to miss it. Thankfully I didn’t have any friends so I didn’t have anyone to miss me while I’m gone.  The drive was quick as we pulled into a parking spot at the airport.

“Now Paige the family’s last name is Hemmings they should be waiting for you at the airport.”

Dave spoke confidently trying to hide his pain. He pulled a box out and handed it to me. I looked down and saw a new iPhone. I was shocked, why would they give me this?

“It’s a completely new number and everything. It’s a safety precaution so they won’t track your old one, and if they do they will find it, and not you.”

I nodded my head understanding and handing over my old phone. I took the new one out of the box turning it on and sliding it into my pocket.

“Our numbers will not be on there. I’m sorry it’s just safer this way.”

I nodded my head understanding as they handed me the tickets. I guess it’s safer also not to be seen with me. That makes sense I guess.

“Good bye Paige and good luck. We love you so much and we will see you again, if you need anything call the police station number. They will help with anything and could give you updates on the investigation. We love you.”

I got one last hug from the both of them before climbing out of the car carrying my suitcases behind me. Goodbye Paige Davis and hello Abigail Hemmings.

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