it has been awhile i didn't write anything.
i've been thinking about starting a youtube channel but i am so bad at it.
this couple of weeks has been rough since i'm battling with myself.
just now i am surfing apple store. i think that i want to trade in my ipad. currently, i am using ipad air 2 but i really want ipad pro so that i can do sketches easily. and that's that.
last week i bought new book and accessories for my new daily purpose and by that i mean.. i want to start a new hobby. i want to start making model (miniature) like a book nook. i ask my mom to sponsor me a paper and also styrofoam. i also bought pen knife, cutting mat, sharpener and also eraser. i don't know why i love to shop for stationeries. hehe. being in a bookstore or any stationery shops is my guilty pleasure.
i also bought new book " The Art Of Letting God, Mizi Wahid. he is a book writer from singapore. i haven't properly start on his book but i will read it surely. i've battling with my time management. i've been procrastinate a lot. and it is very bad for me.
in the same week, my mom bought me a new earphone. a wireless earphone. i broke nearly 12 or 13 earphone with wire and each of them is not cheap. such a waste of money. so i am so happy that my mom sponsor me the wireless earphone. i am 24 years old. so, it's kinda weird that my mom spend money to buy me stuff and i think that she shouldn't have to buy me anything. i should be the one to buy her stuff instead. so, whenever i got money i just use my own money to buy my mom stuff.
hmmmm what else i wanna tell ya.hermmm
oh ya.. i also look at ikea website to look for new bedroom stuff. bedframe has been in my wishlist for such a long time and i can't wait to deco my own room perhaps i can deco my own house if i gotta rizq to do so.
hermm and oh ya one more thing i wanna tell ya. now i can feel what it feels like to have your iman at the lowest point. and i appreciate it a little because i can learn on how to deal with it. guess what my current state is really at the lowest point. and some people might never felt before. at least not people in my surrounding.
Aisyah's open diary
RandomIni adalah diari yang mengumpulkan segala pemikiran yang sekian lama tersemat dalam otak. x mampu diluahkan sebab pandangan orang yang menghalang dan menyekat cara kita berfikir secara independant. kadang terfikir kenapa perlu mengambil ideologi org...