Chapter 15

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Kai's Pov

Soundwave nuzzles his face into my hair and neck.

"Soundwave, you can let go of me.  I'm not leaving," I reason.

Instead of releasing me, he hands me over to Megatron.

Megatron hugs me and whispers, "I won't let him bother us."

"Anthony wasn't bothering us.  He was making sure I didn't drown.  Are you guys jealous?" I say.

Silence follows my question and I give them an expectant look.

Megatron scoffs, "Why would I be jealous of such a puny human?"

I roll my eyes, "Please don't do that again, he was just concerned."

"We make no promises, dear," Soundwave says.

Anthony's Pov

I close the door behind me and look across the hallway at the red door.  I walk over to it and open it.  The room is well lit and the pool has some rocks and tropical trees around it.  It is much nicer than the Decepticon room.

The first thing I see is a red and white merformer talking to a red and blue merformer.  Both of them are sitting on the ground, with their tails submerged in the crystal clear water.

When the door clicks closed, they turn to face me.  They look a bit surprised, I guess they were expecting Kai.

They look at each other before giving me another quizzical glance.

"Don't worry, I'm not replacing Kai," I say, seeing the slight panic in their eyes.  "I'm Anthony, Kai's friend."

They seem to relax a bit but they still look at the door, as if they are waiting for Kai to walk in.

"The Decepticons have Kai," I mumble as I grab the bucket on the floor.

"What?" the red and white merformer asks.

I jump a bit, not expecting them to speak.

"The Decepticons have Kai," I hesitantly repeat.

"Is she hurt?" red and blue merformer asks, not even trying to hide his concern.

"Not that I know of, but she was coughing a bit and her voice sounded a bit raspy," I recall.

"If they hurt her..." the red and blue merformer threatens.

Ratchet's Pov

"Calm down Optimus.  Rage won't get us anywhere," I say.

Wheeljack randomly pops up from behind a rock and whispers, "Hypocrite."

I send him a glare and he swims off.

Anthony looks at us, a bit confused at what just happened.

"So what do we do now?" he questions.

"We can only wait," says Optimus.

I nod my agreement.  We can't contact the Decpeticons and we can't risk Anthony's life.  I sigh, this is going to be a long wait.

Megatron's Pov

Kai was still pressed against my body and I was casually messing around with her hair.  Soundwave taught me how to braid it and Kai seemed a bit calmer.

She stayed with us until Jack brought in our lunch.  He gave her a questioning look and I scared him off by growling.  Kai lectured me a bit about it, but I was too busy enjoying her beauty.

"May I go now?" she asks after a little while.

I frown and put a finger to my chin, like I'm thinking.  Then an idea hits me and I smile, showing all of my pointy teeth.

"After you give us a kiss, preferably on the lips but we can settle for one on the cheek," I smile.

She looks a bit shocked before she blushes a deep red.  I find it kind of cute.

"Okay, fine," she says.

She then pecks Soundwave's mask before leaning in to kiss my cheek.  At the last minute I turn my head and capture her lips.

She makes a muffled yelp and she tries to pull away but I keep her mouth pinned to mine.  Soon she kisses back and I smile.  Once I release her, her face puts Knockout's scale job to shame.  She catches her breath before waving goodbye and leaving.

I smirk and Soundwave looks a bit dejected.

"Don't worry, you can take your mask off next time," I reassure.

He nods in agreement and we spend the rest of the day plotting our next move on Kai.

A/N: Marvel1Maiden your spider story was so funny.  My younger sister was so proud of me that I made a friend.  Help me, I'm lonely. 😅🤗

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