Chapter 37

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Kai's Pov

"Good evening, darling," my Mom says will placing a kiss on both of my cheeks.

"How's it going, Ezili," my Dad says while hugging me.

Shocked, I don't stop them from entering my house.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask as I close the front door.

"You invited us," my Mom says as they place their luggage on the couch.

"Mom, that invitation was months ago.  You guys declined," I explain while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"We know, we changed our minds," my Dad smiles.

I sigh, "How long will you be staying?"

"We don't know, yet.  We wanted to spend some time with our only daughter," my Mom says as she walks to the kitchen.

I suddenly remember that Anthony and Sailor are still at the dining table.

"Ezili, you never told me you have a boyfriend," my Mom exclaims.

I walk into the kitchen to find my mother staring at Anthony, who is doing the dishes, and my father is looking at Sailor, who has maple syrup dripping down his chin.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Sedna it is good to meet you.  Also, I'm not Kai's boyfriend," Anthony says as he wipes his hand with a towel before offering his hand.

My father shakes it while my mother looks a bit disappointed.

"Darling, I thought you'd have one by now," my Mom says to me.

I blush, "I do have boyfriends, four of them, in fact."

I lower my voice near the end of the sentence, but I know they hear it.

"Well, then." my mother starts.  "When can we meet them?"

"Tomorrow, they are at the aquarium," I say as I walk toward Sailor.

My parents give each other a look before sitting down at the table.  They eat some of the left over curry and we all have a very enjoyable conversation, most of the confusion over.

Anthony had just left and I was fixing the bed in my room.  My parents will sleep in my room and I will sleep on the couch.

I am currently sitting in my pet's play room with Sailor and my pets.  Sailor is petting Bucky while Steve is cleaning the left over syrup off of Sailor's face.

"Kai, the bathroom is free," my Mom exclaims.

"Coming," I shout back.

I leave Sailor in the protection of my pets and walk to the bathroom.  I have already taken my bath, but Sailor needs to stay hydrated.  I grab a towel and drown it in the bathroom sink.  I'm still wetting the towel when my father walks into the doorway.

"Kai, where did you find that merformer?" he asks.

I wring the towel out as I speak, "I found him on the beach.  His mother was dead and he was trapped in a fishing net."

My father hums and nods to himself.  I must have given him a weird look because he smiles before asking another question.

"When do you leave for work?" he asks.

"8:00," I say.

My father pats my back before leaving, "Don't leave without us."

I watch him leave before leaving the bathroom myself.  I rush back to Sailor to find Bucky and Steve asleep next to him.  Sailor is happily playing with his new rubber duck as I approach him.  He gurgles at me as I wrap him in the damp towel.

I bring him to the couch and lay down on it.  I spoon Sailor, my tank top getting a bit wet from the towel.  I pull the blanket over the both of us and Sailor snuggles into me.  I gently kiss Sailor's head before closing my eyes.

Sailor's Pov

I open my eyes and see Kai's face.  I giggle to myself and place my hand on her cheek.  When she groans, I nudge my face against hers.  Kai opens her eyes and smiles when she sees me.

"Morning," Kai yawns as she sits up.

I chirp at her.  She gives me a quick kiss before walking away.  I sit on the couch, waiting for her to get ready for the day.  The older man from last night walks into the room and eyes me.  I stare right back.  Kai called the man her father, but I don't know how those cold eyes created such a beautiful girl.

Kai greets her father before returning to me.  She picks me up and I twirl her hair in my fingers.  She places me on the kitchen counter before she pulls out the toaster.  I watch as she takes out my favorite blueberry waffles before popping them in the toaster.  I have learned my lesson and avoid looking directly into the toaster.  Kai is also cooking some white and yellow slime and some red strips.

We all eat breakfast in silence with occasional questions from her parents.  Then we all get into the car and drive to the aquarium.  Kai allows me to sit in the seat next to her and her parents sit in the back.

Once we arrive at the aquarium, we all walk in and Kai leads us through a pair of double doors.  We soon find ourselves in between two door, a red and a purple one.

"Are your boyfriends fishes?" Kai's mother asks.

"Not quite," Kai answers as she walks to the purple door.

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