Chapter 27

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Anthony's Pov

I see Kai, dripping wet, exit the Autobot room.  I call out to her and she walks over to me.

"Did you fall into the pool again?" I joke.

"Ha ha, very funny," she sarcastically returns.

"What are you dressing up as?" I ask.

"A mermaid," she says as she shows me her tail.

"You know what we should do? We should get a throne for you and you can give out candy to the children who visit the aquarium.  They used to do it in the past, but then they couldn't find anyone willing to sit there for hours with a uncomfortable tail on.  I think they still have the throne in storage," I ramble.

"Sounds good," she smiles.  "And it should be fun too."

"When are you free?" I ask.

"I just need to visit the Decpeticons and then I can meet you in front of information desk," Kai says.

"Deal," I respond before departing.

Breakdown's Pov

Knockout had the pumpkin laying on the floor.  He had dissected it and had some question for Kai.  When Kai walked in, her hair was soaking wet.  She had a blue item draped over her shoulder.  When she got closer I realized it was a small mermaid tail.  So this is why my leader is so interested in Kai.  She is definitely a keeper.

"So who did you kill?  Was it an Autobot pup?" I ask, gesturing to the tail.

Kai looks confused before looking at the tail before understanding dawns on my face.

"I didn't kill anyone.  This is a costume," she explains.

She lies it in front of Knockout and me.  We both examine it and see that it is indeed made out of silicone.  Kai then squeezes into the tight costume before putting on her oxygen mask.  But before she can dive under the water, Knockout shows her his dissected pumpkin.

"That's a cute jack-o-lantern, Knockout," she says.

"What?" he asks, confused.

"It's a human thing.  We carve scary faces on pumpkins for Halloween," she explains.

I tilt my head and look at the pumpkin.

"You can sort of see a face," I say, pointing out the features to Knockout.

"Oh..." Knockout mutters, also seeing the face

"Do you guys know where Megatron and Soundwave are?" Kai asks.

"They're in a meeting now, but it should be over soon," Knockout says.

Kai decided to hang out with us a bit while she waits for the meeting to end.  Knockout asked her some questions about pumpkins.  On the other hand, I was more interested in the weird human culture.  Once Megatron arrived, we both swam away and left the lovers.

Megatron's Pov

I surfaced to see three merformers.  There was Knockout, Breakdown, and a new female.  When I inspected the female, I realized it was Kai.  Suprising, but she does look sexy as a mermaid.  As I approach, Breakdown and Knockout quickly excuse themselves and swim away.

"And who is this beautiful mermaid?" I flirt.

Kai chuckles and plays along, "My name's Kai."

She sticks her hand out for a handshake, but I take her hand and kiss each of her knuckles.

"You are such a flirt," Kai teases.

"But, you do look gorgeous," I say.

She smiles and asks about Soundwave, concerned that he would be upset for missing this moment.

"He should be in the main cave," I guess as I take Kai's hand and lead her into the water.

Kai shivers a bit as we swim.  I look around hopelessly, knowing there is no way to keep her warm.  When we reach the main cave, some frightened Vehicons leave the cave.  They become even more scared when they see Megatron.  They quickly bow before swimming away.  Megatron shakes his head before leading me into the cave.

Soundwave's Pov

"I work with a bunch of idiots," I mutter.

"I hope you're not talking about me," a voice warns.

I look up to see Megatron and Kai.

I smile and give a quick bow, "I'm not talking about you, My Lord."

"Good, because I don't want you two beating each other up," Kai adds.

I turn and stop, staring.  She has a weird device on her legs.  They move in fluid movements, but it can't possibly be real.

Kai laughs and explains it is just her Halloween costume.  I nod, take of my mask, and rest my hand on her hips as I give her a quick kiss.  Megatron gives her a kiss on her head before leading both of us out of the cave.  Kai uncertainly asks for a tour of our tank, saying she hasn't seen much of it.  We agree and keep her between us as we give her a tour of our tank.  Anyone who gave her a weird look, would get a glare from us.  Eventually we went back to Megatron's cave and rested in the air pocket for a while.  Kai was laying on the seaweed covered floor, her tail dipped in the water.

This was a perfect moment.  Just us three, Kai as a mermaid, in peaceful silence.

Later Kai had to excuse herself and told us she had to go hand out candy to children.

Human's culture is weird, but interesting.  One thing though...what is candy?

A/N: Hi guys, the idea/part where Knockout accidently carves the pumpkin was created by my other younger sister (we will call her Thanks).

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