Chapter 24

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Kai's Pov

"Please don't fall.  Please don't fall," I murmur to myself as I walk down the hallway.

In my arms is a pile of bright orange pumpkins.  Halloween is just around the corner and it's time to decorate.  Along with the help of a passing coworker, I manage to get inside the Decpeticon room without dropping a single pumpkin.  I gently place them on the ground before sighing.

"What do you have there, doll," a voice asks from the pool.

"Just some pumpkins" I respond while I pick two up and hand them to Knockout and Breakdown.

"What an interesting specimen," Knockout muses as he draws a finger over the crease of the pumpkin.

"Very squishy," Breakdown adds before smashing it in his hands.

The pumpkin's inside fly out, splattering all of us.  I merely laugh while returning the the pile.

"Too easily broken," Breakdown observes.

"I must dissect it," Knockout says before swimming off.

Breakdown joins him after saying goodbye.

Soundwave's Pov

It is time for Kai to feed us, and Megatron and I are ready to surprise Kai with the decorated room.  But when I surface, I just see some orange gunk on the ground.  Kai is crouching nearby, wiping up the gunk.

"Hi Soundwave," Kai greets.

"Hello.  What is this?" I ask as I gently poke the orange stuff.

"Pumpkin guts," Kai says.

"What is a pumpkin?" I ask.

Kai looks a bit shocked before reaching behind her and hands me a orange ball.

I inspect it before asking Kai a question, "What do you do with it?"

"You decorate your house with it.  Also, you can carve it to look scary," Kai explains.

"Your human traditions are so weird," I conclude.

"I guess, now that you mention it," Kai  laughs.

I smile, amused.

"Come, Megatron and I have something to show you," I say.

"What did you guys do?" Kai asks as she adjusts her oxygen mask over her face.

I shake my head and smile behind my mask.  Kai slid into the water and we swim off to Megatron's cave.

Megatron's Pov

I pace in front of my cave.  Movement nearby alerts me of Soundwave arriving with Kai.  I fiddle with the necklace behind my back, normal I'm not this nervous.  Kai greets me and I swim toward her.  I plant a quick kiss on her cheek before tying the necklace around her neck.  I pull back and let Kai inspect the gift.

"It's beautiful," she exclaims.  "Did you guys make it?"

We nod and smile.  We are going to be the better boyfriends for sure.

"We have one more suprised," Soundwave says.

Kai looks so happy as we guide her into the cave.  I mention this is my sleep quarters and her cheeks explode with a bright red blush.  I laugh, murmuring that she's cute when she blushes.  Kai blushes even more and tries to hide it with her floating hair.  We pop our head into the air pocket and Kai removes her mask.  I creak up behind her and grab her waist.  As she gives a yelp, I put her on the floor's edge that is cushioned with seaweed.

"What do you think?" I ask.

Kai gazes at her surroundings, awe in her eyes.

"It's gorgeous," she whispers.  "Did you do this for me?"

"Of course dear," Soudwave says as he takes off his mask.

He places a kiss on her cheek and she smiles.

"You guys are so thoughtful.  None of the rumors are true.  If only more people saw you the way I see you," Kai sighs.

We frown before trying to cheer her up.

"We only want to impress you, we don't need anyone else's approval," I say.

Kai's mood lightens up and she stands to explore the small area a bit.  Soundwave and I heft ourselves on the floor and wait for her to finish examining out work.

Kai's Pov

"You guys are the best," I say as I sit in between the two merformers.

I give them each a kiss on the corners of their lips.  Megatron gives a look to Soundwave before peppering my face with kisses.

"You're welcome," Megatron seductively whispers into my ear.

A few simple kisses became a short make out session.  I gasped when Megatron bites my neck.  Soundwave then dragged his tongue over the spot, making a hickey.  They both smile.

"Now you are truly ours," Soundwave proclaims.

I give a smile before saying I have to get to the Autobot room.  Both merformers pout and beg me to stay a little bit longer.  I can't resist and stay for a few more minutes.

By the time I finally leave the room, hikeys and bite marks decorate my neck.

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