Chapter one- They hate me

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"Y/N get up and get your ass to school!" You hear a familiar voice yell. Ugh it's my mom. "Ok" you quietly say back not trying to start anything. You put on a hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans, you didn't feel like doing your hair so you put it in a messy bun. You check the time "Shit.." your mom had woke you up late again.. you quickly grab your mask and your bag and rush out the door, knowing today you're going hungry...again..

"Ugh.. I wish she would just love me.." you mumble. Your mom never really cared about you, reason being she made you go to public school knowing you could get covid and possibly die. She didn't even buy you a mask, on your first day of school you went without one, and your teacher pulled you out of class and lectured you about it, she was nice enough to give you one.

You walk to school knowing everyone was whispering about you, you were really pretty even if you didn't try. The girls give you shitty looks and try to find rumors to start about you, while the boys were asking you out. They were all dicks and didn't really give a shit about who you were they just wanted to fuck you, By time you were used to it though. A black haired girl walked up to you slapping you right where you stood. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" You yell. "Because of you my fucking dickhead of a boyfriend dumped me!" The black haired girl shouts. "And how is that my fault?" You ask in an angrily tone. "Didn't you just hear me!? He dumped ME to be with YOU!" She screams "Yea, well tell him I want nothing to do with him." You say still angry of why she was accusing you. She continued to yell at you, and hit you, You never hit her back or stopped her from hitting you. "Go kill yourself." she says walking off. You're on the verge of tears but you hold back. You're a very sensitive person even if you go through this everyday.

You head to class, it was boring as always. You start to space out and get startled by the bell. Finally lunch, you had nothing to eat but you were happy to finally be by yourself, well kinda. After that school goes by really quickly, you start to leave and as you're walking out the school building you see girls around you laughing and pointing. "I just wanna be out of this goddamn world" you say thinking aloud.

You didn't wanna go home just yet, knowing how your mom was going to treat you like shit. You head to the store, you don't have any money but you have to use the bathroom. You walk in and make your way to the restroom, as you walk in you look in the mirror seeing the red mark from where that girl slapped you. It's still not gone!? Ugh. You decided to try shifting to bhna for the 14th time. You can't focus well so you kept messing up. As you close your eyes and drift off thinking of bhna you hear a group of girls walk in. Well there goes my chance.. you get up and head out, everything seems different but you can't put your finger on what it is. You shrug it off thinking nothing of it.

As You walk out it seemed everything in the store changed, was I in the bathroom that long!? Did I accidentally fall asleep? You start to head out but then you see a basket saying -Free Apple's- you smile, this was the first good thing you've seen all day. You grab a couple and started eating. Finally, my stomach feels so much better! I haven't eaten in days.

You start to walk down an unfamiliar road. What was so different? You pondered. You kept walking looking down at the ground, you then feel your head hit something. You realize it's a person "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking-" You were cut off by someone saying "Get out of my way extra!" You jolt your head up to see a blonde spiky hair guy with crimson eyes. "K-Katsuki B-Bakugo?" You stammer, He realizes you're a shifter "God another one of these dumbasses!?" Your eyes widen. Did I actually shift!? You think, Ignoring what he said. A brunette girl with rosey cheeks walks up. You look at her "U-Uraraka?" You say in disbelief. "P-Please go back to your world. And tell everyone to stop shifting here" she says trying not to hurt your feelings. "Yea, it's becoming a problem! Dumbasses keep walking up to me and asking me out when they don't even fucking know me!" Bakugo says in a raspy tone. "O-oh well I'm not-" you get cut off by Bakugo " No I don't want to get to know each other dumbass" You suddenly feel your body tense up from anger "News Flash dipshit not everyone wants to fucking date you!!" You say as tears form up in your eyes and you storm off crying. Bakugo just stands there shocked and angry from the words that just came out of your mouth. Uraraka is standing there also in shock but not angry.

Mean while you were a crying mess, you couldn't hold back anymore. You had so much built up anger and sadness. You didn't want to date anybody. You just wanted to escape your world.

Bakugo's POV:
Aizawa walks up to me "Did you make another girl cry by rejecting her?" Aizawa says "Actually no" Uraraka states "She seemed mad that he thought she liked him" she says. Aizawa sighs "I thought I told you guys to stay away from shifters" Aizawa points out while being annoyed. "Well then she must like someone from UA, they all do. It's bullshit" Bakugo says furious "Language." Aizawa says " Whatever!" Bakugo yells.

Not even one day.. one day, and they already hate me, you think wiping your tears. Where am I even going to go!? You question, scared of the thought of sleeping on the sidewalk. You begin walking and find a bench, you sigh and sit down, you put your head on your hand and start to drift off. You fall asleep.

-A Few Hours Go By-

You wake up to a woman shaking you, asking if you are alright. You yawn saying you're fine, she could tell you were lying. She asked you why you were sleeping on a bench, and you stutter. "I-I shifted here a-and now I h-have nowhere to go." She looks even more concerned " You poor souls, shifting here not knowing what you're getting into... I'll take you with me, you can stay at my house for a little while, I have guest bedrooms." before you could say anything she grabs you by the hand and pulls you with her. Well I guess this isn't to bad you think going into a woman's car. It was a nice and comfortable car, but now you couldn't sleep. You wake up fully and look at the woman, she looks familiar.. you ponder. Your eyes widen as you realize it's Bakugos mom.

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