Chapter ten- Jealousy

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Amai shi.

Shiz man..

She smiles and as of right now I have nothing to have against her and I wasn't gonna be a bitch. I returned the small gesture. Great day, turns out my life is going to be living hell!


I sat in my usual spot and every once in a while take quick glances of Amai shi. Thankfully no one noticed me looking at her as I was being very cautious. Normally since I'm in the school and around friends, I can let my guard down. However, now was not the case. I was very tense and fidgety. Now unlike me staring at Amai shi, this did not go unnoticed. I could feel eyes drilling a hole in the back of my head. Obviously I didn't turn around to see who it was and just ignored it. If they ask about it I'll just say 'it helps me stay focused'. Which was partially true.

Class ended rather quickly which was surprising due to the fact I thought it would never end with her being there. I tried my best to ignore her and stay as far away as possible, which was dumb because of the popular phrase 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer' or something like that. But not only was it dumb, it also didn't work. I heard an annoying but innocent high pitch voice behind me. "Hey, I'm new! Could you please show me around?" She asked. I turned around and looked in her eyes... they looked so pure, like she couldn't hurt a fly. Would she unintentionally make Bakugo fall in love with her? I quickly got rid of those thoughts and nodded to girl in front of me.

As I showed her around the school she stared in awe as I did too, kinda. There were still parts of the school I haven't seen yet. When I finished the tour she looked at me and said "Thanks for showing me around! I'm Amai shi by the way!" I looked back at her and said something I almost regretted. "I kno-" I quickly cleared my throat and rephrased what I had just said "I mean it's very nice to meet you, I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." She giggled and I playfully rolled my eyes and joined her, as I completely looked like a fool trying to cover up what I said. I acknowledged that, and also found it very amusing how I was such a clutz and how she looked like the most pure person in the world. She wouldn't just take someone away from me, she'd feel awful if she found out that's what she did. I felt a bit more comfortable around her. But of course I wasn't the only one who knew that she wouldn't just take someone from me like that. He did too. Amai shi left to go to lunch while I.. well, wasn't hungry. I stepped outside the school building and saw Bakugo. I decided to surprise attack him. I quickly ran gracefully and quietly that even a mouse couldn't compete. I leaped off the ground and clung to his back.

Guess you could call me clingy 😏(sorry I'll stop now-)

His eyes widened with rage, I quickly kissed him on the cheek to let him know it was me. His eyes softened and I got off of him, he turned to me and leaned down to give me a peck on the lips. But I didn't want the kiss to end so soon, so as he leaned back up I put my arms around his neck and pulled him back down. I deepened the kiss and we moved in sync. As the kiss kept getting more and more passionate, the more our bodies pressed up against each other. I ran out of oxygen, and didn't wanna moan to get out of the kiss for obvious reasons.

(I mean yea me neither, we're on school grounds.)

I parted from the kiss, and was trying control my breathing. Bakugo smirked and kissed my forehead. Now that I think about it we've never told each other yep okay never mind, I think if I said that I would have a nosebleed, and pass out. But... I've gotta say it one day... before it's too late.

No ones pov:

"Ok don't freak out but...."

Bakugo stared at her eagerly waiting for her response as if it was the cure to cancer.

She continued.

"I.... I"

Come on Y/n say it!


"Oh hey L/n! I didn't know you were out here."
A high pitch voice yelled. Y/n rolled her eyes and sighed, annoyed that she couldn't say what she had been desperate to say. But oh well.

Y/n turned around to look at Amai shi. She waved and gave off a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts. Bakugo watched her smile and heat rushed to his face. He quickly hid it with a scowl and walked away from the scene.

Y/n saw Bakugo walk away and.. well, wasn't surprised. She looked back at Amai shi... but, something was off. Something was different. Her eyes looked dull. And almost as if she was.... hypnotized. Y/n ignored it and dusted it off. But deep down she knew, something bad was gonna happen. She knew that this.. this wasn't the real Amai shi.

Y/n pov:

I returned to class a little bit after talking to Amai shi who had left to go to class a little earlier then me to 'talk to other friends'

I walked in.

To my horror, she was a blushing mess... and she was talking to Bakugo. Her voice was higher then before as if to seem 'cute' she did all the things and acted all the ways a girl would when they tried to get their crush to like them back. She doesn't know that we're together, it's fine Y/n. Calm down. She looked away but quickly looked back at them. Amai shi had that cutesy angry face and was poking Bakugo's chest angrily. My eyes widened. I walked over to them and said 'hellos' trying my best to seem like I normally was. Amai shi had a hint of a grin spread across her face because she knew she was getting under my skin. Where did the nice playful Amai shi go from this morning. I thought. I still kept my normal act up for the rest of the day. But.......

Something was eating at me inside....

I'm running out of time.

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