Chapter four- Stuck with who!?

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- This is more information, just so you know, you let everyone call you by your first name which is why you call them by their last name but they call you by your first name. You're just more comfortable I guess with your first name? Oh and also midway through the story when it's in y/n pov, I use words like 'I' instead of 'You' now, I hope this made sense.-

You head to Aizawa who was sleeping, you stare at him not amused. "Why hello there Young Y/N, I assume you're here for your key?" All might says "Uhm.. yes." You say quietly, All might then hands you a key that has '253' written on the back of it. You head towards the door with the numbers that was on the key. You insert the key into the keyhole of the door and then walk in. Wow it looks so nice! You then walk to a door that was closest to the kitchen. As you head inside you see a nice sized room. This could be my room, it's just enough space. You set your stuff down and lay on the bed. You hear the door open and close as somebody walks in, that must be my roommate! You jolt up and run to go meet your roommate and as you run out your door you meet up with Bakugo. "YOURE MY ROOMMATE?" You yell "Ugh you're giving me a headache, be quiet." He says as he walks past you. How is he that calm!? You run into his room as he's setting it up, to your surprise it's very well kept. "What do you want now?" He says "O-oh um sorry, I'm just a bit s-surprised." You stutter, "Whatever, don't bother me and I don't want your stupid apologies." He says annoyed "Oh well, I'm cooking do you want some food?" You say "It depends on what you're making. Will it have something spicy on it?" He asks "Oh u-um I'm making pizza, I suppose I could put jalapeños on it." You answer and then walk out.

Bakugo's POV:
Why cant she just order a pizza, ugh I couldn't even focus on what she was saying, The way her h/c hair swiftly moved as she talked and her e/c eyes. glistened. Ugh stop thinking about her. God dammit. Her lips.. so... WAIT WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING! I walked out of my room, and saw her cooking. I wanna go up to her and hug her so bad.. omg.. she's going to be the death of me, I've only known her for two days! And she's a shifter so everything about her is bad! I hate her! DIE! Wait no, don't die.

Nobody's POV:
"Finally I'm done." You say as you plop it into the oven "Bakug-" you get cut off "I'm right here dumbass." "O-oh ok!" You say startled. "The pizza should be done in 13 minutes!" You continue. You sit on the couch next to Bakugo and next thing you know, your head is on Bakugo's shoulder. "What the hell!?" Bakugo says jolting his head towards you, he then notices you're asleep. "Tsk dumbass." He says as he gets up places you down on the couch more comfortably and puts a blanket over you. The 13 minute timer goes off and Bakugo takes the pizza out of the oven.

Y/n POV:
"Oi dumbass, wake up!" I hear Bakugo yell, I slowly open my eyes to him moving my feet to the side and sitting down next to me. He handed me a plate with pizza on it. "Thank you.." I say groggily, due to being tired. I take a piece of pizza and quickly shoved it in my mouth, savoring the jalapeños that mixed with cheese. I closed my eyes with delight, but then realized something was missing. I gasped "It needs more jalapeños!!" I shouted a bit too loud, and I'm sure some of the people in other dorms could hear me. "SHUT UP!" Bakugo yelled at me, "oops sorry I guess I was a little to loud, just hand me the jalapeños." I said whispering scared I'm gonna yell again. "You want more!? How can a girl like you handle jalapeños." He said, I scoffed "Are you underestimating woman..?" I said a bit annoyed. "Huh? No, what the fuck I said a girl like you!" He said, "Ok angry Pomeranian, first of all I'm a woman and second of all what do you mean 'a girl like me' ?"
I asked very frustrated that he thinks so lowly of me.
"Ok, 'woman' I meant you just didn't look like the type of person who liked spicy things, I'm so sorry." He said sarcastically. I scoffed and walked off not finishing my food because I was to angry to eat. I realize that it was a childish and petty reason to get upset over... but I am childish and petty so.

It was 2 am. I was covered in sweat, I was breathing so heavily and loudly you could probably hear me miles away. I was frantic and there was a warm stream of tears rolling down my face. It felt like there was a Boulder on my chest almost to where I couldn't breath at all, I felt as if every concern in the world was suddenly put on me all at once, like I was depended on for every problem.

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