Chapter nine- New girl

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"You should probably get some rest." Kirishima said.
I started to close my eyes, I was scared of going back there but I was extremely tired. I quickly dozed off into a heavy sleep.

I wake up, only to find that I'm alone. Obviously it scared me, one second my friends are all around me, I sleep, I wake up, and their gone. They probably just went out for some food or something. And that I was about to find out.

I stood up from the bed and slowly walked out of the room I was staying in. I made my way over to the kitchen expecting to see my friends but... their not here!? Okay okay wait maybe they like ACTUALLY went out for food. And not one of them stay behind to make sure I was alright? Yeah okay no.. where are they? There was so much thoughts going in and out of my head, I was completely spaced out. That was until I heard a clink. I was tore from my train of thoughts and quickly ran over to where I heard the noise. What the hell is that!? I picked up the non identifiable item and took a closer inspection of it. A pen? Huh weird. I clicked the pen out of boredom and curiosity and accidentally dropped it. Wow Y/n just- just wow. I went to pick it up and it started rolling away. My day can't get any weirder. I started following the pen, and just couldn't get it. Damn you short legs. RUN, RUN UNTIL YOU CANT RUN ANY FASTER!! I finally caught up to the pen and snatched it. Then it started pulling me. OKAY SERIOUSLY WHAT IS GOING ON!!? MY FRIENDS ARE GONE NO WHERE TO BE SEEN AND NOW I HAVE A FUCKING MYSTERIOUS PEN PULLING ME TO GOD KNOWS WHERE!! I'm not gonna lie, I was freaking out a little bit but I wouldn't let it show. I kept my composure.


The pen was pulling me for about fifteen seconds, but it felt like fifteen minutes. I was afraid if I let go I was gonna go flying, because it seemed like the pen was pulling me at a godly speed. Did I mention my feet weren't touching the ground? So I guess I was flying but not bad flying, well yes bad flying but not super bad. After the pen stopped, I fell to the ground.

So much for that.

When I got back up I noticed I was in front of the school... who in the- oh my gosh...

Amai shi...

She's here, and holding someone's hand, I can't see who it is- OH SHITAROONI ITS BAKUGO!!


This is all just a prank right?..right?..

Maybe they're just hella good friends already. Nothing to worry about....

I ran up to my group of friends. "Hi Y/n!" Mina says excitedly. "Why are you so happy?" I ask "Oh, right! Bakugo finally got a girlfriend!" She said happier than before, I nearly choked on air. "Oh... is it the new girl?" I said curiously. "Yup, you should have seen the way he asked her" Kaminari laughed " 'I wanna make you mine before any of these shitholes try to' " he said mocking Bakugo's voice. I swear right then and there my heart shattered into a million pieces. I had to hold it in, I had too. Kaminari was busy laughing at Bakugo shouting at him, Kirishima trying to calm him down, and Mina was conversing with Amai shi. It felt like I didn't exist anymore, my whole world just crumbled. Wait-

Where's Sero..?

"Hey guys...?" They all turned towards me. "Y/n what's wrong why are you crying!?" Mina asked concerningly. That's when I felt hot streams of water going down my face. Oh my.. I quickly wiped my face. "Uh.. never mind that.. uhm.. where's Sero.." I asked.

They all looked at me confused.

"Who's Sero?"

I jolted up panicking, Bakugo rushed to me frantically. "Are you okay!?" He asked, concern laced his voice. I breath slower and finally respond "I'm fine... just a bad nightmare, really bad one." He pulls me into an embrace, and whispers in my ear, "Want to talk about it?" I gently push him off and nod.

I explained everything without leaving any details out.

He hugs me again and I quietly sob into his chest. I lift my head up and sigh "Aw man, I got tears all over your shirt." Bakugo rolls his eyes "Dumbass." I giggle.

I laid back down on the bed, and thought about how uncomfortable it was for Bakugo to sleep in that wooden chair the whole time. "Bakugo.." I whisper. He looks at me confused, I pat a spot on the bed next to me. He lowers his head and shakes it while chuckling quietly. He then walks up to the bed and gets in next to me, he pulls me into an embrace and kisses my forehead. I surprisingly managed to fall asleep, and I didn't go anywhere or have any nightmares.

I woke up alone, again. I'm gonna have to set some ground rules man, this hurts! I sigh, and get out of bed. I slowly make my way out the room and head to the bathroom to do my daily routine. Once I finished I headed out to the kitchen and to my surprise, Bakugo was cooking, "OH MY GOSH WHAT ARE YOU MAKING THAT SMELLS DELICIOUS!!!" I yell a bit too loud. "Jesus Y/n, it's seven in the fucking morning, stop yelling!" He says, I mumble a quick "sorry" before going over to him to see what he was making. I squeal as I see he's cooking (favorite breakfast food).

We ate and quickly got ready for the day, well technically we were already ready but you know what I mean. We headed out the door and rushed to the school. Mainly me chasing after him because he walks to fast. We made our way into class and I was greeted with my doom.

Amai shi.

Shiz man..

She smiles and as of right now I have nothing to have against her and I wasn't gonna be a bitch. I returned the small gesture, and sat in my spot. Great day, turns out my life is going to be living hell!

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