Chapter Eight - Maybe

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Caleb arrived to school that next day with his eye slowly beginning to heal, though the purple ring around it was prominent enough to drag attention. Caleb was less that thrilled at the recognition, seeing staring eyes as he made his way to his locker.


Caleb heard the voice behind him, which had felt a bit of déijà vu, turning to face the girl who stood behind him.

“Holy shit, where did that come from?” Nora questioned hysterically as she winced at the purpled eye.

Caleb rolled his eyes, growing irritated at the same reactions his injury had been getting.

“Oh, you haven’t heard?” Caleb spoke unamused as he closed his locker, beginning to walk towards the staircase.

“No, I haven’t…” She narrowed her eyes, confused as she walked beside him.

“It was that dick-head kid from lunch.” Caleb informed as he reached the top of the staircase.

“Max Finch?” Nora questioned as she managed to catch up to his side, being taken back by the staircase traffic.

“Yeah, whoever the hell he is.” Caleb shrugged as he reached his classroom entry, seeing Mr. Carson hadn’t made it to class yet since the door had been locked.

“You didn’t hit him back… did you?” Nora held her books tight to her chest.

“Of course I did. The prick got what he deserved.” Caleb leaned against the locker wall, tiresome of the topic.

“You should stay away from him.” Nora suggested, tightening the grip she had on her books.

Caleb chuckled, making his chest vibrate with amusement. “Why is that?”

Nora bit her lip. “He’s just… I don’t know. I’ve known him since I was a kid. He’s bad news.” She shrugged off the thought.

Caleb stared at the wondering girl, wondering what had been lingering inside of her mind.


Michael entered the Finch drive that same morning. He had been in Sheriff Uniform, since he had usually taken his lunch breaks off to spend small, worthwhile time with Corrine, who had phoned him begging him to make a visit. He hadn’t been over much lately, and Corrine had begun to feel jealousy towards Angela. Corrine began to worry that he might secretly love his own wife.

“Corrine?” Michael entered the home as if it were his own. Albert - who had been washing the living room windows - knew the guest just as well as he had known Corrine, leaving the man to his own devices as he entered the foyer.

Corrine appeared at the top of the staircase in a white, silk robe. Her hair draped onto her shoulders in a slight untamed fashion as she saw the love of her life at the bottom.

She spoke nothing of a word, turning from the staircase to her bedroom, signaling Michael to join her.

Michael did as gestured and made his way to her bedroom. There, he saw the beautiful, statuesque woman sitting at the edge of her bed with a frown.

“What’s wrong, my love?” Michael caressed her face as he seated next to her, placing his other palm to her thigh.

“I’m worried about Max.” she pouted.

“What has he gotten himself into now?” Michael said with a slight smirk, staring into her deep, gray colored eyes.

“He’s taken his first blood much too soon.” She pouted her face in his hands.

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