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Finally the fist day of school has arrived, i'm really excited and nervous at the same time.

I wake up as my alarm sound, i turn it off and get out of bed, i went dowstairs and prepare beakfast, then i get ready to go to school and leave the house.

As is a really small school therr's only one class per years with about 15 students in each one and a few teachers.

When i arrive the director recibes me

-hi, hou are h/n, right?

-y-yes, it's me

-nice to meet you, come with me, i'll show you where your class is

I follow him for a while, apparently my clasd is far away from the entrance, when we arrive the director knocks the door and go in, i follow him in.

-Good mirning everyone

-good morning sir

-i would like to introduce you y/n, your bew classmate, hope you make her feel welcome-he says and leaves

-well, first of all hello y/n, i'm profesor smith, welcome to my class

-hi- i say shyly

-could you tell us something about yourself please?

-emm, hello, i'm y/n, i've just moved herr a couple of days ago, i like music, dancing...- i keep saying a couple of things, aleays looking at the floor because i'm really shy

-and what about your studies? Do you find easy or difficuld to study?

-well the truth is that i find it quite easy, i can memorice things really easily and thanks of that i have quite good grades

-wow, that's incredible, and... could you tell ud soemthing about your parents? What do they work in?

-emmm,i-i'm orphan

I hear that some people start to whisper and some look at me weird

-oh, may i ask what happened?

-car crash

A tear rolled down my face and i wiped away fast

-i'm so sorry, you can sit there , there's a free place almost at the back

I start walking there, i feel how everyone is staring at me.

The three hours before the break pass quite quickly since is the first day and we do almost nothing. During the bresk i'm alone, as you have seen i'm pretty shy so i dare nit to talk to anyone.

At the end of thr las lesson i'm the last one to leave.

Ad i leavd i find a group of people infront of the exut abd theh come closer to me

-well, well, well, is the new orphan girl, i'm Robbin

-h-hi- i say low

-i'm going to tell you somethig little girl, here i'm the boss, i don't care if you like it or not, and i don't know if i really like you

After some seconds of silence he graps me by my shoulder and stares at me.

-omg, your eyer, which kind of monster have an eye of eacg colour, you also have glasses braced and i swear i heard that you fon't have any problem with school stuff, girl i don't know which kinf of nerd mornster you are but i don't like you at all girl, get ready to life in hell weirdo.

He pushes me making md fall and the he kickd my belly, then he and his friends leace, i stand up with pain and go home, it's clear, my life here idn't going to be easy.

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