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It's been a few dayd and Sophie and i go back home sincr the door has been fixed

-dad, where is mom?

Shit, i was hoping that she wouldn't ask that, i have to tell her something si she doesn't worry

-emmm...she's on a bussiness trip

-when she will come back

-i don't know honey, i fon't know

*6 months later*

*y/n pov*

I try to move but everything hurts and i feel so dizzy

-y/n?- a voice say and i move a bit weakly

-if you can hear me nod- he says

I nod slowly and i try to open my eyes but i just can't, i'm too weak

-don't make much effort, knowing thst you can hear me is enough- he says and i nod again

-how do you feel? Don't worry if you csn't talk, just try

I out my hand on my heaf, it hurts too much, just a sift whisper came out of my mouth

-my head, it hurts a lot

-don't worry, is normal

-were am i?- i ask since i can't open my eyes i can't see were i am

-you are in hospital, can you remember what happened?

-mire or less

-that's good, you need to take rest, we'll talk tomorrow, niw try to sleep

*the next day*

I feel a little better and i'm finally able to open my eyes, my head hurt less, but it still hurting a lot and i'm still really weak

-well, i see that you have already woken up- the doctor says

He comes closer and helps me to incorporate a little so i'm more confortable

-so tell me everything you remember before waking up here

I tell him everything that happened but i don't remember anything that happened after i run upstairs

-That's good, people doesn't remember that much after a coma

-a what?- i say surprised

-yes, you have been in coma

-for how long?

-six months and a week

I'm shocked, i thought that i've been sleeping for a couple of days but i've been in coma for more than six months...

-do you want me to call your husband and tell him to come? He has been really eorried all this months, he hasn't leave yoyr side, i nod amd hr leaves

Half an hour later i hear Martinus' voice, he's talking with the doctor in the hallway

*Martinus pov*

The doctor just called me and asked me to go to hospital, he didn't told me anything else, i'm si fucking worried.

I call Marcus and ask him to come with me, i don't wanna be alone if something bad has happened

I leave Sophie at my parents house, Marcus is already waiting for me there, we druve as fast as we can to the hospital and when we arrive i stay sitting in the car thinking about what it can hsppen now

-don't worry, i'm sure that are good news-Marcus says

-what if they aren't?

-then i'll be next to you, i'll always be by your side, in the good and in the bad

-thank you

-i'm your brother, i'm here for you, no matter what

We get in the hospital, we found the dorctor in front of y/n's room

-good afternoon

-hello- Marcus and i say at the same time

-i'm sorry for making you come like this, without saying anything

-is she okay?- i ask worried

-i can answer but she will say it beeter- he says

I look at him confused and he ooens the door, when i get in and see her awake a huge smile appears on my lips, i run to her and hug her tight, Marcus also somes and joins the hug, i don't know why but i start to cry

-i'll leave you alone- the doctor says

*some minutes later*

-i think that i'll leave you alone, i'll wait for you at the cafe- Marcus says

A while later we broke the hug and she notice that i'm crying

-don't cry- she says

She wipes my tears away with her hand, feeling her touch and hearing her voice again makes me feel so happy

-omg babe, i thought i would lose you

-you will never lose me, i'm always going to be there for you- she says

-i've really missed you y/n

I stare into her eyes and kiss her softly, i missed the feeling of her lips against mine

*two weeks later*

Today y/n is finally allowed to leave hospital and go home

-mommy!- Shophie says happy when she sees her and runs to hug her

-helli honey

-i missed you

-i missed you too my little girl

A while later Sophie goes to sleep and we watched movies in bed cuddleing, jut like when we were younger

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