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-omg, omfg, what do we do now, what if she dies

-Martinus relax

-how do you wany me to relax is she isn't fucking breathing- i say freaking out

-First of all, take a deep breath, and calm down, if you kreo fraking out your brain won't work righ and she will die

I close my eyes and take some deeo breaths

-okay, what do we do now?

He looks at me for a few seconds and then she takes her wrist

-her heart us still beating, we can save her, i'm going to call an ambulance, give her air


-cover her nose and blow in her mouth


Some mimutes later the amvulance arrives and takes her to hospital

-she will be okay

-what if she's not? I can't lose her

Marcus hugs me tight and i start crying because of the toight of loosing her

-tomorrow we'll go to see her, and you'll see thst she's fine

-i hope so

*the next day*

We go to the hospital and ask for y/n, the woman in the receotion tell us where her room is and we go there

When we are about to get in a doctor gets out of her room

-hey, you know the girl in this room?- he say

-yes, she's my girlfriend

-is she okay?- Marcus asks

-she is pretty sirious, she has really high fever and has been without oxygen for a long time, fortunately she is breathing again and i think she would be alright soon

-can we see her?- Marcus asks

-sure, but be careful, if anything happens press the botton next to her bed


We get in and i sit on a chair next to her bed and take hand, i see her chest going up and down slowly, she is breathing, she's alive, she will be lrigth.
She is conected to a machine that checks her vital constants

-she will wake up soon- Marcys say pitting his hand on my shoulder

-i hope so- i say as tear rolled down my cheeck

Some minutus later something happens, the machine that is conected to y/n starts making a really lout sound and y/n's body starts shaking, Marcus press the botton next to her bed.

Some seconds later the doctor comes running

-get out- he says and we leave

We sit on the chairs in front of her room

-Do you think that she is okay?- i ask low while some tears fall down my cheacks

-to be honest i don't know, but what i know is that she is a strong girl, she can survive to this

- i don't want to lose her- i say crying and Marcus hugs me

-you won't lose her

*some hours later*

*y/n pov*

I wake uo coughing and breathing heavily

-hey, can you hear me?- a man ask

-Y...yes- i say weakly

-try to calm your breath, lay down and take deep breaths

I do as he says for some minutes

-do you feel better?

-yes but, what happened?

-you were really sick and your breath stopped, your friends called us just in time to save you.

-What do you mean with just in timr?

-few more minutes and you would have died because of the lack of oxygen

I barely remember what happened but i'm alive, that's what matters

-you have visit by the way

He leaves and Matcus and Martinus come in, Martinus runs to me hugs me tight, i notice that his face is wet, he is crying

-don't cry- i say putting my hands on his cheak

-i couldn't help it- he says puting his hand on mine and closing his eyes ejoying my touch

-he tought that will lose  you- Marcus say

-you will never lose me, Martinus

-but yoy could have died

-even if that happened, i would be by your side, maybe not physicaly but i'll always be with you, even if you don't see me or my heart isn't beating anymore

-i love you y/n

-i love you too- i say and i kiss him

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