chapter 11

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The next day:

Shinobu was so excited about today. She is moving into giyu's house. She has been packing untill 2:00am last night. Her sister thought she would be tired but its the opposite.

"You ready to go shinobu?" Kanae asked her when she is getting ready to leave the estate. She was just checking the last few things in her bags.

She looked up from what she was doing to answer her sister. "Yes nee-san."

Kanae smiled. Shinobu though still had her doubts about this, granted she is ecstatic about the idea with living with giyu but she doesn't want her sister to be alone.

"Nee-san are you sure you want me to leave? I don't want to leave you by yourself in this huge estate..." she would have continued if it wasn't for kanae almost pushing her out the door.

"Shinobu get out of here before i make you. I told you I'll be fine." She laughed.

"Ok ok I'm leaving. Bye nee-san. I'll see you at the shop." She waved to kanae. She waved back.

Once shinobu had left kanae sighed. "Now i better call shinazugawa-kun..." she muttered to herself while walking  back into the estate.

With shinobu:

Shinobu was happily walking to giyu's house. She was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't see that doma was watching her...again.

Once she reached it, she knocked the door and waited. When it opened she didn't even wait to greet him, she leapt into his arms.

"Giyu-san!!! How are you? I missed you even though i saw you yesterday." She said into his chest.

He looked down and chuckled sliently at her behaviour. "I am fine shinobu."

She looked up at him and without any warning she kissed him.

When she broke it she said "lets go in giyu-san." She giggled at his confused face.

Still blinking giyu followed her. She was in shock with the size of his house.

"Wow this place is big. I can't believe i'll be living here. This is cool." She said in awe.

"Well it wasn't hard for me to buy. I just saw it and said i'll buy it."

She turned to him, sceptical of his answer. "Wait you saw it and bought it. Just like that? On a whim?"

He nodded. She sighed. "This is just like when you stopped me from killing nezuko. You never explain your actions, you just do it. Well i do like that about you." She smiled at the end.

He hugged her. "Well you did almost stab me in the face."

"I am sorry for that. I want to explore this place some more." She ran out of his arms to see around, he thought she was like a excited child.

'A very endearing woman, i love her so much. No one is taking her away from me, ever again.' He thought to himself.

In a different place:

In front of the city hall, daki was planting explosives to blow it up. However she would have had it done faster if her partner wasn't crying to himself.

"Doma would you shup up and come help me. Master's wishes are more important than whatever you are crying for!!" She snapped at him, irritated that she had to work with him.

"But shinobu-chan was walking to another mans house and she is going to live with him." He cried.

Daki just glared at him and dragged him away.

"I don't care about you but master asked us to do this, so you are helping because i don't want to let him down." She dropped him onto the ground and continued putting explosives.

'I am going to kill you giyu tomioka. Shinobu-chan is mine not yours.' He thought crazily.

Once they finished they secretly left to blow it up later.

Back with the couple: 7pm: 

When shinobu was done exploring, she doesn't know which room she wants to be in.

"Erm giyu-san where am i going to be staying."

"With me." He said like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Shinobu blushed at the thought of sharing a room with him.

"Ehh but won't it be embarrassing to share a room with a girl?"

"But your my girlfriend."

"Still..." she trailed off.

"Don't worry, i had the idea of this for a while, i love you and that all that matters."

She started to cry and laugh. "how sweet giyu-san and i love you too."

However they didn't know what was about to happen tonight.

Well at least she has moved into his house😅 cute❤. 🌊🦋

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