Lack of shit

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Private with Bakuhoe

Me: Hey sexy😌

Bakuhoe: Stfu


Bakuhoe: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!!

Me: C L E A R Y
I said B I T C H !
This ain't no verbal conversation,can you not fuggin read??? dumb bitch

Bakuhoe: I-


You changed Bakuhoe's name to DumbBitch

DumbBitch: HEY

Me: Oh- sorry

You changed DumbBitch's name to SmexyDumbBitch

Me: 😌
Me: Bye SmexyDumbBitch

SmexyDumbBitch: Speech 100

Me: Tf that makes no sense

SmexyDumbBitch: I'm just making fun of your lack of conversation skills

Me: oh ok

Me:Weight 300


Lmao my phone crashed like 100 times trying to right this because of my lack of writing skills-

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