Chapter 6 (Emo With A Side Of Red)

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Here we go again I kind of want to be more than friends!!!!! Thank you for commenting Veronicababydragon11!!! I wuvvels you! I plan to dedicate this chapter to you but I'm not on a computer at the moment so later. Anycow Luke shall be represented by the ever sexy Luke Hemings. I love all of you who are reading this! Please show your love by commenting or voting. CONTINUE

By the time we all manage to get out of the pool, I had lost count of how many times, somebody had spit water at Chris. I had also lost count of how many times Chris finger and my ear met. Even how many times Luke and Jake had 'play' fought had been lost count of. Now we were all gathered in jakes room trying to find something I could wear.

"Ugh, my moms going to kill me for dripping water everywhere. I vote we give her Chris in sacrifice," Jake announces Looking at the puddles of water we have created.

"Why me?" Chris whines as he, for the hundredth time, tries to force his hair our of his eyes. Sadly for him, his hair is long enough that once it's wet it nearly hangs to his shoulders. Not to mention his hair looks really blonde when it's wet. It's actually kind of hot.

"Because you won't be able to see it coming," Luke replies flicking Chris's forehead. Chris jumps in surprise before growling. With another growl he shoves at his hair but it falls back to his face immediately.

"Come on, emo Chris," Luke calls pulling Chris towards his backpack. Luke produces two sets of clothing and hands one to Chris.

"Um, what am I supposed to do?" I asks gesturing at my clothes.

"Umm, here try these," Luke replies tossing his clothes at me.

"Well, you all know where some bathrooms are, so shoo," plainly states Jake, as he makes a shooing motion at us. Chris slowly makes his way with his hands out stretched until Luke growls and grabs Chris arm before dragging him towards a bathroom. Obviously I head toward another bathroom.

I'll spare you the story of my changing trials, but I will tell you, that the clothes were to long. They did smell deliciously like Luke, though.

"Surprise attack!" Jake yells as he tackles me onto his bed. With out giving me anytime to react he begins to tickle me.

"Ja-ja-Jake," I cry between laughter.

"That's right! Scream my name," Jake replies.

"Stop I'm going to pee!" I cry in a final desperate attempt. Jake stops and gives me a very fake shocked look.

"Did you just lie to me? Because I heard you go to the bathroom before you came to my room," in a fakely offended voice Jake responds. I blush, as his hand slowly move up my side.

Suddenly one hand goes over my mouth as the other twist my nipple. I violently whine and squirm as I do everything I can to fight back against him. All that comes out of my mouth is simply mumbled by his hand.

"Are you going to lie to me again?" Jake questions with his hand still causing me pain. How dare he! Viciously shaking my head no, I continue fight against him until he lets go. He gives me a stern before removing his hand from my mouth and moves so my arms are pinned down by his legs. Luckily before he can do anything the door opens and Chris walks in.

"Woah! Awkward timing!" Chris shouts covering his eyes.

"Really Chris? You cover your eyes. You are such a virgin," I tease as Jake moves off of me.

"Shut up, you're one too!" He replies blushing.

"I'm not!" Jakes adds in gleefully. As I finally take a moment to stare at Chris I realize some things, for one he looks really good, and for two well Jake says it for me,

"Woah, you're hair is really emo!"

"Sh-shut up, your sister forced me to let her straighten it," he mumbles in response. Jake and I share a look before bursting into laughter.

"You took the bow out!" Jane screams from, somewhere outside the door, and like a victim pulled under by a shark, Chris disappears behind the door, Only the flash of a manicured hand showing the shark. For some reason this makes us laugh even harder, and by the time we manage to stop laughing Chris is shoved in the door, blushing redder than jakes hair. On the top of his head a green bow is pinned, making his eyes look really nice.

"You look very pretty," Jake compliments before adding, "but you would look even prettier with me inside you." Chris practically rips the bow out of his hair and throws it at Jake as his blush somehow deepens. I'm just going to add that I think he ripped some hair out with the bow, that could not have felt good.

"I hate you," Chris whines defeatedly, as he plops down on the bed next to us. He crosses his legs and stares at me. He actually is pretty. He's got a sort of adorable look to his face. It kind of reminds me of the way Emvy looks when she doesn't feel well.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband!" Jake shouts before shoving both of us closer. Mhm, Chris looks pretty good up close. He got a really nice chest. I would love to eat cookies off of him. To lick all the way down his stomach, and suck on his- A finger intruding into my belly button snaps me back to reality. I look down to find Chris finger just chilling in my belly button. MY belly button! After staring at his finger I look up at him to find him staring at me. We both stare at each other for a while before turning to look at Jake who is staring at my hands. This prompts the two of us to look at my hands just chilling on the bottom of Chris abs. I then realize that Chris other hand is on my shoulder keeping me from falling onto him. Oh god this is so sexy right now.

"Umm," I whisper looking at Chris's finger in my belly button. For some reason his finger being there brings a me a warm fuzzy feeling.

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