Chapter 9 (Brandon! Stop staring at Luke! You guys are not my OTP!)

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Author Note: So if you have noticed i give the chapter some odd names, but they have no real relation to the story just my thoughts towards the chapter. I LOVE ANYONE WhO IS reading this. YOU ARE AMZING. Vote to motivate me, Comment to inspire and keep reading to give me life. CONTINUE

"Chris! Where's your bow!" Jane growls in a demonic voice, ignoring jakes previous comment. Okay, okay, it was a girly voice but like same thing.
Chris gives a whimper in response.

"Emo Chris is busy, Jane," Jake replies glaring at his sister. With a humph and dramatic flip of her hair she leaves.

"I win," Luke announces, making us look at the screen. My sexy man killed me! How could he? I glare at him for a few moments until I start thing about how sexy he looks. Mmmm he looks so good! I'd totally fu- My thoughts are cut off when suddenly a hand flicks my nose.

"Hey," I whine as I glare at Luke's hand.

"Don't space out," Luke growls. Mhm he's so sexy when he growls. It makes me want to run my hands- once again my thoughts are cut off as I'm flicked in the nose.

"Stop doing that," I whine as Luke glares, looking extremely hot.

"Then stop spacing out," he orders. Oh, I like it when you're being dominant. Next thing I know I'm on the floor, with a very heavy, and muscular (yum) Luke on top of me.

"Stop it," he commands.

Without any hesitation I nod while replying, "yes master,"

"Jake," Chris whimpers making me turn to look at them. Jakes fingers are warped around Chris's side. I watch as Jake mercilessly squeezes his side making him whimper again.

"Stop hurting your friends!" Jakes mom commands as she walks into the room. Blushing, Jake moves off of Chris well Luke gets off me.
"But they're short," Jake whines. Resisting the urge to growl, I sit back down on the couch.

"Wake up, emo!" Jake shouts effectively waking everyone, but the emo.

"Shut up," Luke growls rolling over on his pile of blankets. One of which, was Chris's, and another which was mine. Glaring at him, I slowly sit up.

"Emo!" Jake shouts shaking Chris violently. With a slight moan Chris swats at Jake, but remains asleep.

"Chris!" Luke, me, and the three other occupants of the house scream at the same time.

"Snuak," snores Chris. At least I think that was a snore, but maybe, by some miracle, that was his dying noise.

"Just suffocate him!" Jane screams from, most likely, her room.

"Eh," Chris groans in his sleep.

"Im with Jane!" Jakes dad chimes in.

"Make Luke do it, he's got a better chance of getting away with it!" Jakes mom chimes in.

"I'll give him the pillow," I offer.

"What about a pillow?" Chris sleepily questions, with a small yawn. Aww he looks so adorable covered in drool and his hair sticking up in unnatural ways.

"He's risen! Rosen! Raised! Rised? Oh great now I'm confused," Jake exclaims.

"He's up!" Jane, and jakes parent joyously cry.

"How can you sleep through all of that?" Luke asks, as he gets up. His hair is somehow still perfect. Ugh he's just so hot. Mhm, I wonder if I could fry eggs on him. At the mention of eggs my stomach roars.

"Your tummy go rawr," Jake says proudly.

"Why did I wake up for this?" Asks Chris as he wipes at his drool.

"To be beautiful," Jake answers picking Chris up bridal style.

"Jacob Johnson," growls Chris.

"Breakfast time," Luke replies pushing Jake, and I guess Chris, towards the door. Woah when did he stand up.

"Up," Luke demands looking at me.

"Yes master," I reply flying up. Surprisingly, Jane is the only one at the table, and she skyping, none other than, Emvy.

"I can't believe you actually did that Emvy. You're just so amazing," Jane says breathlessly.

"It's not the big of a deal, I might not even make it past auditions. I'm not that great at science, and I've got some problems because of my background," Emvy replies, and I can practically hear her blushing in her voice.

"Emvy, there is no other, beautiful, smart, and wonderful person they are going to choose," Jane replies, as she gives a glare at Jake. Emvys turned at such and angle that she can't see us.

"I'm really nervous; I really want to just do something so I can distract myself, but everybody's busy, or hates me," Emvy states, looking and sounding agitated.

"Nobody hates you," counters Jane.

"Whatever their all being annoying. Everybody need to get over themselves and worry about me! Ugh that's-" Emvy begins but is cut off by Jake hitting the end button.

"Fuck you, Jake! All of you are assholes! Emvy deals with a hell of a lot! You guys treat her like shit!" Jane shout suddenly furious.

"Emvy doesn't care about anyone but herself." Chris counters.

"Prove it," rebuttals Jane.

"She doesn't keep secrets, she doesn't help anyone, and she only ever thinks about her self," I answer, making Jane storm off.

"Well that's a great start to breakfast," jakes sardonically states.

"Emvys not like that," Luke says softly, like he's not certain he even believes that.

"She tells everyone secrets," Jake reminds.

"Well maybe, but she's just against keeping secrets, so a few slip out, but most of the time she keeps secrets and she really does care about nearly everyone, and she never worries about herself," Luke counters nervously. It's so strange seeing him so anxious. It's oddly adorable.

"She's so stuck up, she doesn't think anyone's as good as her. Do you not remember, that's she the one that got you suspended, by snitching about you ditching?" Chris asks Luke. He falls quiet with a sad look. Aww he's so adorable.

There's an eerie creaking door
noise that sends chills up my spine. It's the front door, the front door always creeks. We all freeze as Emvys voice drifts into the kitchen.

"Get over your stupid crush Jane! I don't like you! I don't like Luke! I don't like Jake! Everyone needs to knock their stupid shit off! It's ridiculous! With Chris liking-"

"Leave!" Jane screams cutting Emvy off.

"Jane, I didn't mean that, a lots going on right now," she begins to explain but Jane cuts her off again,
"I don't care about your stupid, 'being smarts so hard' 'being popular sucks' 'you don't understand how bad the genius academy was' 'I can't tell my secrets, I have serious issues' dumb ass complaints!" Jane shouts, before slamming the door. She storms in and glares at all of us before running up the stairs to her room.

"I shouldn't have wakened up," Chris whines.

"Woke up," Luke and I reply at the same time.

"Jinx!" Jake shouts excitedly making Chris groan and drops his head onto the table.

"I hate all of you," he growls.

"But I love you Chrissy," I pout, making Chris lift his head. A blush floods across his face and he quickly rushes to look away. Strange.

"Chris, make food," Jake whines.

"Youuu," he whines back. I watch the two of them glare at each other, chocolate eyes meeting green.

"Chris," Luke whines breaking the stare down. With a groan Chris gets up and begins pulling out, umm ingredients, to make something. Okay I don't know anything about food, sue me.

Luke and Jake start a conversation but I don't really feel like talking, I just kind of want to watch them. They have an interesting friendship; jakes always excited, but Luke's usually chill.

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