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The quidditch finals were today, before the game started me and Meg met the twins behind the field. They seemed nervous and excited about the game, just as if it was their first.

-God you two need to chill!- Meg picked a joint from her pocket and lit it up with her wand.- Want some?

-Why didn't you save it for after the game?- George asked.

-You know we can't play high.- Fred added.

-Trying to win by drugging your opponent Meg?

-It's not like she's forcing you two or anything.- I laughed and took it from her hand- If you don't want it, you don't want it.

I took it to my mouth, inhaling the smoke for a little while and then exhaling it.

-Sure you don't want it?- Meg asked, and, basing on the way they were looking at us, they did.

Meg found out about pot on the last Christmas holiday, with her London friends. And when we became friends with the twins they wanted to try it out, no need to say they love it. It makes everything feel so good and so funny.

-We're good.- Fred said.

-Then stop looking at it like you're in love.- I laughed and George grabbed me, throwing me on his shoulder, spinning and tickling me, which just made me laugh more.

After he finally put me back on the ground, they had to go, so we said goodbye, but not before making them promise to hit Malfoy with a bludger, and stayed there just to finish the joint. We found our seats next to Charles in the Slytherin crowd.

-Have the two of you been smoking?- he asked after smelling my hair.

-Maybe.- I smiled and grabbed his face, pulling it closer- Are you going to snitch on us Charlie?

-That wouldn't be nice.- Meg completed giggling.

-I'm just sad you did it without me.- he smiled and wrapped his arms around our shoulders.- Let's watch the game and you two can compensate for it later ok?

We agreed and the match started.

They were on the air, and my attention was divided between wanting Slytherin to win for once and not wanting the twins to get hurt. All we needed at this point was for Draco to get the stupid Golden Snitch.

But of course instead of searching it he was talking to Potter, as usual.

-God, can't he just at least start searching for it?- Meg screamed besides me.

-Right? Come on Malfoy just do something!

-You know what? If I had gotten the spot last year, we would have won by now.- it was true, Malfoy just wanted to be in the team to be "better than Potter" or something like that. Meg was a lot better than him in the tryouts.

-We're going to lose again, aren't we?- I said sitting back down.

-Most likely.

Draco saw the snitch and went for it, for a moment I actually thought we were going to win, then Potter also saw it. He got there first, since his broom was faster and Gryffindor won the match.

Everyone in our crowd was disappointed and started to walk back to the school.

I took the chance to get down there and talk to him, when I finally did he was already with his minions, it just got better and better. Meg was about to go there and confront him when I stopped her.

-Go find Melissa and tell her to find professor McGonagall.


-Just do it, and tell her to say there are two students fighting. Don't take too long.

Slytherin Princess (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now