Episode 10 (Recovery)

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It's been four days since Evelyn had been admitted to the hospital. She sat on the bed with her bag against the wall, waiting for Tina to bring lunch. Tina has been discreet about the truth she found out, she has been with her for the past days more than anyone has ever been for her. Tina also had her mind changed about calling her relatives because she was still in shock of what she discovered about her and because she was getting better, she taught it's been for her to make the confession by herself since she's an adult.

After a while, someone showed up. It was Lucky. He knocked twice and entered the single ward. The last person Evelyn was expecting to see was Lucky, his unannounced presence posed quite a lot of questions on Evelyn's mind as well as shock and surprise.

"Evelyn"? Lucky called Evelyn who wasn't concentrating on the person that walked in, she had probably thought it's a nurse or Tina; she was lost in thought.

"Lucky!" Evelyn exclaimed in shock as she turned to answer her name. Withher body reaction inclusive, she quickly moved backward towards the edge of her bed.

"Hey it's me" Said Lucky moving closer to her.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I'm here? Who is with you?" Evelyn asked impatiently.

"Calm down Evelyn, Tina brought me."

"What? Tina?"

"Yes I did, Evelyn" Tina said as she enters the ward.

"How...how? How do you know him? Lucky, I thought we kept our relationship secret and private? How did she find out about us" she said furiously to cover up her embarrassment in Tina's sight.

"I didn't tell her anything... I..." Lucky stammers.

"Lucky used to be my customer" Tina interrupted Lucky. "So we've known each other for a while now. He didn't tell me about you, I found out myself."

"How? What are you talking about" asked Evelyn.

"Evelyn Thomas, someone I look up to. Evelyn Thomas, someone I envy how she relates with God. Someone I used to be very proud of."

Evelyn became uncomfortable with Tina's utterances. She wondered what exactly she saw, because she had handed her phone to her in the right shape with all messages still unread. She had no idea Tina could be able to guess what her phone's pattern was. She was so eager to hear what Tina has to say and at the same time was afraid.

"Who am I to condemn you Evelyn, I have no right to do that because God didn't condemn me too. Evelyn I'm glad to tell you I've given my life to Jesus, I made the decision yesterday evening when I went to see Lucky. Lucky introduced me to Jesus. What a great change that was. Aren't you going to ask me why I went to see Lucky?"

"Why?" Evelyn managed to ask as she was surprised at what Tina said. Tina and Lucky are now born again? She couldn't comprehend how it happened. She felt so ashamed.

"I went to see Lucky because I wanted to confirm if what I saw on your phone was real. Evelyn I wouldn't believe if I was told, but I saw it with my eyes. I saw your chat with him and how you exchange your nude pictures with him and vice versa. I remembered you once told me you do not have a boyfriend, I didn't know you even had a sex partner. Evelyn how could you be such a hypocrite. I'm sorry...I'm not here to judge you."

Evelyn couldn't control her emotions anymore so she burst into tears, sunk her face in the pillow on her thighs. She was so embarrassed and ashamed. Are they now going to preach to me? She thought to herself.

"When I got Lucky's place, I didn't meet the Lucky I used to know, I met another Lucky. One that has given his life over to God. Something had happened to him a day before and he has surrendered his life to Jesus as a result. That's not my testimony to share, he'd probably tell you. After confirming he's the same Lucky I knew, he invited me in and narrated his salvation story, he is now sorry for everything he has done and regrets it. I saw the sincerity in him and I was moved. I also desire this changed life and not a life full of pretence, so I did. I gave myself to Jesus also."

"See Evelyn, you don't need to cry. We all are sinners once but I've realised God can forgive the worst sinner." Lucky said gently as he sits on the bed to console Evelyn.
"We are not here to condemn you but also to share with you the grace we have received from God" He added, patting her right shoulder.
"I'm sorry for everything I've ever put you through, for the hurts, for making you do things you don't want to do. Evelyn please forgive me for everything I've ever put you through." Lucky sobs.

"Ahhhhhh! I'm doomed" Evelyn cried aloud.
"I'm such a disappointment to God! I can't bear this. I'm supposed to be light to the both of you, but rather I became the thickest darkest claiming to be light. Now you are showing me the light I once knew. This is unbearable for me. God will definitely not forgive me for this" Evelyn cried.

"No Evelyn don't say that. If God can forgive you, can forgive you too" Tina said sitting on her left side on the bed. "God has given me a brand new beginning and I'm sure He can do the same for you."

"Guys, I'm sorry I disappointed you. Please forgive me. From now onward, I refuse to live a life of pretence no more. Thank you both for accepting me." Evelyn cried.

Lucky and Tina hugged Evelyn from both sides, they all cried and prayed together for forgiveness for Evelyn.

"Mum, you can't do this to dad" Zion said to Mama Jane.
After Mama Jane moved out of the house, Pastor Kay, after the dream he had, had been trying all he could to get his wife back to their matrimonial home but all his efforts has all been proved futile. He couldn't involve any family members or church members because they were going to ask for the cause of their separation.He then invited their daughter, Zion from school to intervene if that would at least help to an extent.

Mama Jane has been staying at her friend's apartment since she left home. Her friend doesn't stay in the country, so she had handed over the keys to her apartment to Mama Jane. She only come once in a while and that's the only time she gets to use the apartment. Mama Jane was also avoiding the same scenario her husband doesn't want, that's why she subscribed to staying in her friend's apartment.

"Your dad has caused me pain" Mama Jane replied Zion when she could no longer bear to see her crying.
"I don't want to go back to your father" Mama Jane cried.

"Mummy please, I know daddy has made a terrible mistake, but he regrets it already. He is sorry. Please think about us your children, think about Ann and Jason. They are in the boarding house and have no idea what's going on in the house. How will they feel when they get home and you're not there. Mum please come back home. Daddy misses you, I do too.
Mum you can't allow the devil to take away your home, your ministry and your happiness from you. You have to take responsibility because you will account for it to God."

"Oh my God!" Mama Jane cried. She was touched by what her daughter said to her and immediately she had a change of mind.

"Zion, we are going home" she said wiping her tears with a blue handkerchief she was holding.

"Really mummy!" She jumped and hugged her.
"I'm so happy. Daddy is waiting outside"

"Really? He's outside? Call him in."

Pastor Kay came in, hugged his wife, they cried together, prayed together and they reconciled.

They reported themselves to the church's authority and were duly punished. Mama Jane and pastor Kay were relegated and suspended for a period of eighteen months. The church's authority also asked Mrs Williams if she would like to press charges against Pastor Kay but she she wasn't interested because her daughter's health has been restored.

Mr Lucky Anderson was apprehended and charged with offences of rape, human rights violations, fraud and illegal practices of which he was found guilty of all. He was charged to court and sentenced to thirteen years imprisonment.

Evelyn was later diagnosed of ovarian cancer. She also confessed her sin to her family and the church and was suspended from ministering for six months. She worked in the sanitation department believing God for healing.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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