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I walk into Heights Alliance, holding a bag of Uraraka's favorite mochi. Today's kinda a two in one. A celebration of us passing the Provisional License exam, as well as our two month anniversary as a couple. I managed to work up the courage right after the Sports Festival. She was so shocked, she actually started to float, not by her own volition. After we managed to get her down, she accepted, saying she had been crushing on me for quite a while. 

"What with the Mochi, Midori-bro?" Kirishima asks, as I pull off my shoes

"Two month with Uraraka!" I reply, a goofy smile on my face. 

"It's been that long? Damn, time flies like an arrow, huh?" Kirishima asks, and I chuckle. 

"Don't have to tell me, man. See you later. Say hi to Mina for me, will ya?" I ask, and he nods

"Will do!" He says, and I nod. I start walking up to her room, and as I get close, I hear something......... odd. Moans. I feel butterflies pop up in my stomach, and I slowly set the mochi down next to the door. 

Pressing my ear against the door, I feel the butterflies in my stomach turn into fire in my veins as I listen in. 

"Oh god, Katsuki! You're so good at this!" Uraraka moans, and I hear chuckling from the angry blonde

"Of course it is! That damn Deku wouldn't do it, and you were right to come to me, round face!" Bakugo says, and I feel unholy rage burn through my system. Grabbing the handle, I rip the door clean off the hinges, throwing through the windows behind me. The loud crash of breaking glass and shearing metal seem to echo like gunshots in the small space, jarring both my ears and the ears of the people in the bedroom. 

"Mi....Midoriya?" Uraraka asks as I look at the sight before me. Both of them are naked, lying on the bed.........

"GET OUT OF HERE, DE-" Bakugo shouts, but is cut off when I grab his throat, and throw him out of the room, entirely naked. I've never felt so enraged in my life. I could kill someone. I'm not sure if I like it. 

"YOU GET THE FUCK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU BASTARD!" I shout in response, hot tears pouring down my face. Stalking toward him, I charge Full Cowl to 15%, and I feel my limbs begin to tremble, although I'm not sure if it's from rage or the power in my limbs. Grabbing Bakugo my his arm and hoisting him to his feet, I slam him into the floor, cracking it around him. I then kick him in the ribs, hard, sending him flying into a wall. With bright green electricity crackling around me, I walk over to him. He gets to his feet, and launches and explosion at my face as I get close. Blood explodes from my face and nose, but I don't stop. Grabbing his left arm, I pull hard, dislocating his arm at the shoulder. 

Screaming in pain, he slumps to the floor as the rest of class walks onto the scene. Everyone takes in the sight of Bakugo lying on the floor, screaming in pain holding his left shoulder, while I stand over him, blood dripping from my face onto the floor. 

"MIDORIYA, WHAT IS THE MEANING BEHIND THIS?" Iida shouts, as Uraraka runs out in nothing but a underwear and a shirt. 

"ASK THE BRUNETTE BITCH!" I snarl, then groan in pain as the adrenaline fades slightly, notifying my body of my bloody nose and bleeding cuts all over my face. 

"Midori-bro........." Kirishima says, as I drop to one knee, holding my nose. 

"I..... fucking hell.........." I groan, as Kirishima kneels down next to me, followed by Yaomomo, holding out bandages. 

"Uraraka.... what happened?" Iida asks, and I hear Uraraka sniffling

"DEKU'S BEEN ABUSING ME!" She shouts, then shows Iida bruises on her arm

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