Chapter One

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Reference to s3xua1 a55u1t in this chapter. :3

Midoriya walked out of the room with the best look of trauma that his face could hold. He clutched the knife tightly in his hand, and stumbled his way back to the meeting room, just in case they found him on his way there. They didn't. He sat on the ground and stared forward blankly. 

After a few minutes, the others came back in the room, rushing to his side. They bombarded him with questions. He waiting a few moments before speaking. 

Here is the reference.
"He- I- He took me. I tried... I tried to fight him. He- oh gosh- he," Midoriya made the best disgusted face he could. "He was going to... do stuff." Finally he made eye contact with the person closest to him. This was the moment of truth. He poured as much horror into his eyes as possible, causing himself to tear up. "I didn't want to- I- I tried to get away- I felt the knife in my pocket and I just- I slashed." 
You good.

As he spoke he got shakier and shakier. He saw the guilt in Aizawa's eyes. It was working. Just a little bit longer. He could feel Toga tapping on his hand. She was counting how long it would be before he totally breaks down and she pulls him into a hug. 

"I didn't- I- The blood- I-" Midoriya looked down at the knife in his hand, as if seeing it for the first time. He tossed it back, careful to avoid the people. 

"I killed him," he whispered, as if just now realizing the weight of his actions. "I- I killed somebody!" 3....2.....1....

The tears started freefalling. He started blubbering on about how he's going to burn in hell and how he was a horrible human. Toga gripped him tightly and pulled him in. Honestly, it felt good to cry. He had been holding a few things in that needed to be let out. 

"Shhhh, shhhh, you're alright. What you did was an act of self defense. You did nothing wrong." Toga silently signaled good job to him. He responded with a quick thanks

The AG looked at each other guiltily. They weren't exactly sure why they were guilty, but they each had a feeling that it was partially their fault. 

"Here, we should let him get cleaned up." They all headed to the exit. Midoriya quickly stopped Toga. 

"WAIT! I-uh- I don't want to be alone. Will you just sit outside the shower?" 

She nodded. Everyone else left. 

Hitoshi sat down next to Shoto in the computer room. (The room that they went to to wait at). 

"You like him, don't you?" 

Shoto snapped his head over to Hitoshi, a blush already appearing on his face. 

"Who?" He feigned ignorance. 

"Oh come on, you know exactly who. Izuku, the literal cutest person on planet earth? Ring a bell?" Dabi snorted from behind him. 

"I think he's cool.." Shoto looked at the computer in front of him, his reflection appearing on the black moniter. 

Hitoshi chuckled beside him. "You just gave yourself away. You like him. It's totally fine that you do. I mean for a little bit I had a crush on him. I talked to Toga, apparently so did she. Dabi had a crush on him at some point. I know for a fact that Shigiraki liked him. We call it the Midoriya Affect." Dabi nodded, still looking at the computer in front of him.

"It's hit you the strongest, though." Hitoshi scratched his chin, as if confused. "I've never seen a case this serious." 

Dabi nodded again. "Very serious." 

Shoto sighed and walked away from where Hitoshi was.

"You can't run from your feelings!" 


When Midoriya walked into the computer room, everyone was ready to leave. They had planned out their way back, and they knew that it would be better the sooner they left. 

It was around mid-day as they headed towards the nearest town. Once they arrived, the sun was setting in the distance, leaking red and orange across the sky. They would have to stay the night there. 

They went straight to the local motel and paid using the person's credit card that they found in Aizawa's pocket. They asked for two rooms. One for the AG and one for the MPS and it's newest member. 

They received a few weird looks, but no one said anything. Nemuri and Hizashi collapsed on the bed immediately. Aizawa, however headed to the kids room next door to make sure that all of them were okay. He wasn't really all that surprised when he saw that they were in a large cuddle pile in the middle of the room, surrounding Midoriya. 

They seemed to all be sleeping.  He understood that. It was a long day, and they needed their sleep. 

When he arrived back in his room, he laid down next to Hizashi, who immediately wrapped his arm around him. 

"What took you so long?" Hizashi muttered.

Aizawa huffed a laugh. "I was checking on the kids." 

"mmmmmm" Hizashi snuggled into Aizawa's neck, falling asleep soon after.


Surprise, surprise, nightmares happened. Four in total - Midoriya, Hitoshi, Hizashi, and Dabi. Once everyone was awake, no one went to sleep again. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and they all settled for cuddling in a large pile together, all doing their own thing. 

Ten people sat in that pile. Ten people all existing in the same area. There is safety in numbers. Everyone in the pile felt safe. 

Once it was around time that they opened the sheriffs department, they all headed out. The police officers there were surprised when ten people walked in, and only one of them spoke fluent English. 

Hizashi explained the situation. They were kidnapped, yadda yadda yadda. They are pro heroes, they just want to get back to Musutafu. 

Luckily for them, there was someone with a teleportation quirk who could send them to a relative location.

It was the strangest feeling Midoriya had ever experienced. It felt as though every cell in his body turned to slime. He could feel everything. When he opened his eyes they were standing in a forest. Cherry blossom trees were spread out around them.

When they found their way to the outskirts they found they were in Hosu City. In the corner of their eye was a doorway formed out of two trees. 

They headed back to their house and got a scope of what it looked like. It was in pristine condition. It was almost as if they had never left. They contacted Nezu first. Turns out that he was prepared for if they disappeared again. Which was probably an issue.

Next, they contacted Tsukauchi and explained the situation. He said that he would just not file the murder. He knew that he should've written it down somewhere so that they knew the threat of All For One was defeated, but knew that they would go through more issues than they needed.

They needed to just take time to calm down. They needed to take time for themselves. 

Nezu gave each of the AG a week off for them to calm down and take care of themselves and each other. They also found out that Jin was kidnapped at age 4. (so the AG adopted another child).  Midoriya volunteered to have him move into his room. 

For a while, life was good.

Imagine real quick: You are working the night shift at a motel and then a family of 10 walks in asking for two rooms. What would you think? What would be your first reaction to this? I am genuinely curious. 

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