Once a Villain, Always a Villain

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This is the first chapter of Once a Villain, Always a Villain. I just ask that you read a little bit, then you can decide if you want to continue reading or not. (There are three chapters up) Thank you for being so patient with me

Midoriya was cold. It seeped into his clothes, and clung to him like a wet blanket. He huddled in the corner of his small room and felt the hard stone press against him. The collar they put on him dug into his flesh. He wanted to scream, to cry, to do something other than sit there uselessly in the corner of his cage of a room.

He wanted his family back. But he knew no matter how much he screamed they wouldn't come. Not after what they did. Not after they killed the only family he had left.

He really wished he could cry.


24 Hours Prior

Midoriya was having a good day. He knew that nothing could possibly happen to ruin his good mood. Not even Kacchan and his sour mood about life could put him down. Today was his fourth birthday, and he was getting his quirk.

At least, he was going to the quirk doctor to make sure that his quirk was going to come in healthily, or if there was going to need to be some medical interference. For instance- physical quirks that would be painful, or ones that are more dangerous than others.

The green haired boy bounced up and down in his seat. He was practically vibrating with excitement.

Waiting was the worst part. At least, for Mamadoriya. As much as she loved her son, sometimes his constant ranting could get a lot. She really needed a "Me" day. And soon. Today was his theories about what his quirk would be.

"Maybe it can be a mixture of you and Dad's quirks!" Ah, yes. The father that is "working overseas". He was really dead. She would tell her son later, when he was ready, but until then, he would just believe that he was alive and well.

After fifteen minutes, the doctor showed up and released the mother Midoriya from her troubles for a short period of time.

Once the doctor called her back, she knew that by the look on his face, the news wasn't good.


Quirkless. Her son was quirkless. Disgust filled her. She gave birth to a useless child. She was disgusted with herself, and disgusted with her husband for giving her useless DNA.

She knew that a friend of a friend was looking for... test subjects for their experiment, and she just so happen to have a new volunteer. She pulled out her phone and dialed the number.

Izuku Midoriya was at the brink of tears. He was quirkless. He was quirkless. He was quirkless.

The words rang out in his mind, bouncing around his head like an echo. He could- he could still be a hero, couldn't he?

Dread loomed over the car as they drove home. They both remained silent, but there was a tension between them. Midoriya could tell that something was wrong with his mom. Was she.. mad at him? No.... she wasn't mad........ right?

Once they got home, he immediately went to his room. His mom let him. He went to watching hero video's like he usually did. He opened his notes and started to make some more on the newer heroes. (Seeing as he already had notes on all the existing heroes).

He continued to work, and got completely wrapped up in his note taking. It wasn't until he heard a clatter in the kitchen and checked the time that he realized that it was way passed the normal time that his mom would make dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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