Chapter Four

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The seed of corruption is so much easier to plant in a young mind. The soil is softer, the water is sweeter. It is perfect place to plant it. Every child born nearby had this planted in them. The ideals of the world are sick and cruel around them. The woman grinned at all of the soldiers she trained. SHE was the one who did this. SHE alone guided these young minds into a better path. She alone made herself an army. 

And soon, she would have the strongest weapons to ever walk the face of the earth in her arsenal. 

She grinned through the eyes of her planted soldier. She could see everything they could. Hear everything they could. Everything was going according to plan. 



Cold wind blew against Hitoshi's cheek as he stood amongst the ruins. It was horrible to look at, really. Everyone, and everything he ever knew and loved was dead. Gone in ash and smoke. He had no clue what caused it, or why he was the only one left alive, but all he knew is that his family died.

"It's fake!" He shouted. He dug his fingernails into his palm, making crescent moon indents in his hand. He had seen things like this before. It was fake. Everything was all a dream, and soon he would wake up and his family would be alive.

He did everything. By the end, he was drenched in his own blood, searing pain spread all over his body. He stared at the gun in his hand, his bloody fingerprint's already painted on the side. 

He knew what he had to do. Either way it was a good deal. Either his family was alive and he was joining them, or his family was dead and he was joining them. He was seeing his family again, and that was all that mattered. Hopefully for good this time. 

He pressed the cold metal against his head and pulled the trigger without a moment of hesitation. 

You good :3


Hitoshi woke up with a gasp. He was in his room. It was exactly how he remembered it, down to the smallest details. It was also still a total mess. He walked over to Midoriya's room to see that Jin and Toga were already curled up on the family mattress, with Midoriya in the center. 

For some reason, Midoriya was that air of calmness everyone craved after a nightmare, and so they decided to give him the biggest room and place a giant bed in there for when everyone decides to spend the night. 

Along with that, the room comes fully equipped with a mini fridge and a T.V. Midoriya promised to only use them on family night, or when his siblings stay over. 

He sticks to that promise, because he would feel guilty breaking his promise. 

Hitoshi curled up around Toga. Even though he and Jin had gotten a lot closer, Toga was superior at cuddling, and a human body heater. He would have chosen Toga between the choice of his crush and Toga. (And he had a pretty big crush on this crush). 

Unless, of course, his crush turned out to be a better at cuddling, and even warmer than Toga, which Hitoshi liked to imagine. He fell asleep with the vision of Aizawa walking into the room fresh on his mind. 


The soldier stood firmly in their place, waiting for instructions. Their queen was wise, the queen was kind, and their queen was generous. They were given a mattress to sleep on and food to eat every day. Their queen took care of them. They were educated on the world around them. The world they plan to stop.

Death is better than what it would be like to live there. 

The soldier nodded and saluted the instructing officer, only a day older than them, but to the solder's a day was equivalent to a life time. Anything could happen in a day.  A single grain of sand could tip the scale. A single person could change the tides of war. 

The soldier carried out their task efficiently. Tomorrow marked their 12 year of life. They would be awarded. The soldier loved being awarded. This was the award for surviving. The soldier was going to receive a poster to put up in their room. They had three so far. One was off the queen, and the words "Do not fail your queen," in cursive at the bottom.

The second poster said, "You are one of many, you are replaceable," with a picture of the army in it's greatest numbers. The soldier was in that poster. It was their favorite.

The last poster that they received was of them doing work. They were making equipment for the army to be able to work better than it did the previous day, the previous hour, the previous minute, even. Every minute spent making new weapons and improving the army, is a minute spent well.

The Soldier finished their day, three hours of sleep was given to them. A privilege to have that much sleep. The soldier heard stories of people who only slept 3 hours a WEEK. They were aloud that many a day. Their ruler was kind. 


Midoriya grinned at Todoroki from across the table. Even though they were aloud to date, there were boundaries set for when they do go on dates. Nothing more than kissing and cuddling, things like that.

Still, they were happy. Everything that they did together was happy. They smiled, laughed, and enjoyed themselves. 

On several different occasions, Aizawa, Nemuri, and Hizashi have all tried (and failed) to spy on their dates. They didn't nessesarily know that they failed (They decided to let them think they were sneaky), but they still got a good laugh out of deleting some of the photo's that they "snuck". 

Watching them freak out over the missing photo's is always hilarious. They try to be casual about it, but there is this underlying panic in their eyes that just make everyone's day.

Today, they were at the ice cream parlor. Midoriya got Strawberry, and Shoto got Mint. They enjoyed their ice cream together, while talking about the stupidest things that they could think about. 

That is the real way to get to know people (though they already knew each other better than they knew themselves) is to get them to be stupid. If you know their stupid thoughts, you tent to know more about people than you would think.

It was a calm day. When they got home, however, was when the real strange things started to happen. 

Standing in their house was a small child, maybe 6 or 7. She had a small horn on her head, and bandages wrapped around her arm. Aizawa and Hizashi were gently coaxing her into the kitchen, and their siblings were watching intently. Of course, the child didn't see the siblings. They were all hidden in all the best spots.

Shoto and Midoriya quickly gripped their hands together, and snuck into one of the hiding places to watch what was going down without disturbing the peace. 

It took a while, but finally, they got the girl into the kitchen and to start eating. The way she acted when presented with the food hurt too much. She acted as if she was given the best thing she had ever seen in her life. 

Then Midoriya realized that, maybe she had. 

After a little bit, Aizawa calmly told the girl - who they found out was named Eri - that she was going to have 7 siblings. I swear this is just getting to be "Mine, Yours, and Ours" at this point. 

Slowly, one after another, each of the siblings introduced themselves. They recognized the signs of abuse. They'd seen it themselves. Heck, some of them lived it! They knew how to help. They knew it took time and patience. 

But now, they had a new member of the family. 



"Ma'am, there is a new member of the family. Eri. She has a very powerful quirk. It's just extremely unstable. How to we approach?" The soldier asked hesitantly. Their ruler paused for a moment. 

"We cannot have any loose cannons in our army. If they are likely to backfire we can't have them. Just stick to the original plan, but make the accommodations for the new one. " 

"Of course, my lady." 

The Soldier bowed and headed to relay the orders. 

I'm going to start publishing again. Sorry for blanking on you like that. The updates will be extremely slow, but they will happen. Sorry again. 

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