Chapter Three

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Midoriya was prepared for absolutely nothing. Aizawa had a certain teaching method that including keeping you in the dark for as long as possible. Actually, scratch that- Midoriya was prepared for one thing. He was prepared to have the rug pulled out from underneath him. He knew Aizawa well, and he knew that he would not go on this class with mercy. 

He sat in his desk, waiting for the others to start coming in. Shoto and Hitoshi were placed on either side of him so that they can help calm each other down if they get triggered by something. 

After all, Katsuki Bakugo was also going to be in the class. No matter how much the others hated the idea of Midoriya being in the same class as his abuser, Aizawa wanted to be able to keep an eye on him, and Midoriya made his choice. He decided to forgive Bakugo, and they had to respect that. 

Slowly, the other students started to trickle in, all immediately breaking off into their own groups. (Uraraka and Iida joining Midoriya's group when they came in). They didn't talk, instead going to texting, because it's quieter, and easier to put away. 

Midoriya warned them about Aizawa counting how long it takes them to quiet down. Aizawa had limited his sharing of this information to Uraraka and Iida, so the others were completely in the dark on his methods. 

At exactly 7:30 am, Aizawa made his presence known. Midoriya, Hitoshi, and Shoto had all known that he was there, but decided to not say anything. They also wanted to see  if Uraraka and Iida knew. 

"If you are here just to make friends, you can leave now." 

Everyone's conversations ended cacophonously. That way where a lot of people go quiet, and it takes the others a moment to realize that something was up. 

Sure enough, in the corner of the room was a man inside a bright yellow sleeping bag. He unzipped it slightly and finished off his jelly pouch. (Midoriya had found them at the store, and Aizawa had been eating them religiously since then). 

He stood up after a moment. "Welcome to U.A's class 1-A. I am your teacher Shouta Aizawa." Another  pause, as he glanced at his watch. "It took you 8 seconds to settle down. You will need to work on that. Time is a necessity that we don't have a lot of. In your desk, you will find your P.E uniforms, get changed and head out to the field. Certain students have been given permission to get changed in a separate area, you know who you are." He walked out of the classroom without another word. 

A small murmur arose from the class. Midoriya ignored it, and headed to the room. It was set up specifically for them. A small bonus of that is that they can decorate it however they like. They got changed fairly quickly and headed out to the field. No one else was there, besides Aizawa. 

"You know that I won't show favoritism." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. 

"We all know that you will show favoritism towards Midoriya," Hitoshi argued. 

Aizawa sent him a playful glare. 

They went to their quiet conversation, waiting for the others to show up. Slowly, the other student's showed up. Bakugo kept glancing at Midoriya, but didn't do anything to approach him. 

"Today we will be doing a quirk test. We will be going all over the spectrum to see what we need to work on with you." He walked over to the ball throw section. "First up, we will have the ball throw. You will stand in this circle, and throw the bar as far as you can. Anything goes as long as you stay in this circle." 

"OOH! This is gonna be so fun!" Mina Ashido exclaimed.

"Fun? You think this will be fun? How about this? The person in last place will be expelled." The look of horror on everyone's faces was almost enough to make Midoriya bust out laughing right then and there. 

Aizawa pulled out his clipboard and read out the first name. "Hitoshi Aizawa-Hizashi," 

"Wait, like your son?" Kirishima spoke up.

"Yes. Now, Hitoshi, go." 

He stepped up to the circle and turned to face Uraraka. "Hey Ochaco."

"Wha-" She stopped dead in her tracks. Midoriya made a point of not looking anywhere near Uraraka. 

"Make this ball lighter." He held it out to her. She stiffly walked forward and tapped the ball. Hitoshi released his hold, then turned to throw the ball. It flew up into the atmosphere. 

"Infinity," Aizawa read off of the machine. 

There was an immediate backlash. "Isn't that cheating! He used someone else's quirk!" Kaminari shouted. 

Aizawa grinned. "I said that anything goes as long as you stay in the circle. He stayed in the circle." He turned back to the clip board, "Shoto Aizawa-Hizashi." 

"Wha- You have another kid?" Mina asked incredulously. 

"Seven, actually."

"That poor woman..." Kaminari mumbled. 

"I have a husband. We adopted. Now, Shoto, go!" Aizawa was already getting impatient. 

Shoto stepped up to the circle. Everyone watched as he made himself a mini explosion by freezing the air, then quickly heating it up, making the air expand quickly. (All of this while launching the ball as far as he could with just his strength.)

"Katsuki Bakugo," Aizawa read off of the paper. Midoriya may have forgiven him, but Aizawa never will. He sent his best glare, and turned towards the circle. 

Bakugo remained silent. He headed to the circle and took a deep breath. He thought of his anger management classes. He stared into the distance and blasted the ball as far as he could possibly send it. He stayed silent. 

He didn't miss that grin that Midoriya sent his way. 

Student after student, they all used creative ways to send the ball as far as possible. Finally, Midoriya was put up to the circle. He grinned his patented 'Aizawa Grin' and took the ball out of the previous student's hands. 

The plan was simple, and he knew exactly what he would do. 

At least, he thought the plan was simple. (It wasn't) Long story short, he ended up launching it into space. Walking away from the circle, he felt the shocked stares boring into his skull.

Once everyone had gone, they all waited anxiously to see if they were the one in last place.

"Oh yeah, none of you are being sent home. It was just a clever ruse to get you to use your quirk to it's fullest." 


Yeah, Midoriya started laughing. 


After Homeroom, they had English with their other dad, Yamada Hizashi. They were already fluent in English, so the entire class, Hizashi would make comments about how terrible the students' English was, and whoever laughed first would get a point. The goal was to have the least amount of points by the end of class. (Shoto won). 

Lunch was the best part of their day, hands down. While everyone else went to lunch the Aizawa-Hizashi gang went into the teachers lounge (which had been made bigger just for them). They all talked about their day, and what happened.


A large chair was placed in the center of the dark room. Eight followers were sat at the woman's feet. 

Not very much could be seen. The woman's face was lit up by the monitors sitting in front of her. As she watched the screens, a low chuckle erupted from her.

"They are all so weak..." She glanced around at the monitors. Large monuments all over the country of Japan were displayed. She fingered the button on the desk beside her. "I can't wait to rip the rug from beneath their feet." She typed a few commands into the front monitor. "They'll never see what hit them.." 

Sorry for not publishing as often as I used to. I've been very tired from school, and I haven't really had the same drive to do anything anymore. I will try to publish once a week. Thank you for being so patient with me. 

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