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Hollywood, California
November 19th, 2020

"Hey." Luke announced his presence behind Alex, who turned his head to face him.

"Hey." He responded back.

He had been sitting on the Molinas' roof for a good half hour, watching as the sun slowly set behind the cascade of mountains.

"Whatcha doin' all the way up here?" The brunette questioned, lying down on his back next to Alex.

He exhaled a long breath, reclining to lie beside Luke, and taking a moment before responding. "Do you remember when we sat on your roof at night and watched the stars?"

Luke chuckled. "Yeah and I remember when Bobby tripped and him and Reggie both fell off into the bushes."

The memory erupted a loud laugh from Alex, which eventually settled into a smile. "Well yeah, yeah that was funny but... I meant when it was just the two of us." He explained.

Luke's face reddened just slightly. "Yeah, yeah I remember. Why?" He asked with a light tremble to his voice.

"Because... I went to see my old house yesterday."

The singer lifted up onto his elbows. "What?" He asked. Since the events which took place after Alex had come out, the brunette held a strong bit of protective resentment towards the latter's parents, and although he wasn't shocked that the boy had finally gone to visit, it didn't mean the news was of happy information.

"I didn't go inside, I just stood at the end of the driveway but... I don't know. I saw a, gay pride flag? It was hanging on the mailbox and I don't even know if they're the ones who still live there but it made me wonder if they changed, after all this time?" He pondered aloud.

Luke sighed. "I mean... It has been twenty five years, and they did lose their son on a bad note. It's not impossible."

Alex hummed in acknowledgement. The two of them sat there for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

"Do you think... Next time I go there, if I actually go inside, do you think you could be there? I mean, you know I'd ask both you and Reggie but you were actually there after I came out and-and you stood up for me, when I told me dad we were together and-"

"Alex!" Luke cut him off, sitting up and grabbing his arm gently. "You don't need to explain. I'll be there, in an instant the second you need, okay?"

Alex let out a breath of relief. "Thanks."

"No need to thank me man. It's what friends are for." He reassured.

"Even if they're exes?" The blonde asked jokingly, making Luke snort.

"Even if they're exes." The boy affirmed.

"Speaking of, have you told Julie about that yet?" Alex asked.

"About what?"

"You know, about us or even just how you aren't really... Straight." He elaborated.

Alex noticed Luke was playing with his bracelets, a nervous habit the guitarist had picked up long before the two had even met. "No... I mean you didn't come out to her until yesterday so I definitely didn't tell her you and I used to be a thing, and as for the whole 'not straight' thing, the only people that know are you and Reggie. I don't even know what label fits me man." He told Alex exasperatedly.

"First off, you don't need a label if you don't want one, and second, based on how she reacted to Willie and I, I'm sure she'll be completely supportive if and or when you decide to tell her." Alex assured him. "Maybe she could even help you look into more orientations if you wanted."

Luke nodded. "Yeah, you're right. She'd probably be really sweet about it. That girl is amazing." He said dreamily, causing Alex to roll his eyes affectionately.

The two of them looked out at the sun which had set and turned into stars glistening in the night sky.

"Hey!" A yell sounded from somewhere below, recognizably being Reggie, who then zapped his way up to the roof with his friends. "There you two are! I've been looking all over for you. What're you doing on the roof?" He questioned.

"Reminiscing." Alex said lightheartedly.

"Oh. Oh? You guys aren't... Again, right?" He gestured awkwardly, causing both of them to roll their eyes.

"No you dork." Luke gently shoved Reggie's shoulder.

"Okay phew cuz I was worried I'd have to deal with being the third wheel again." He huffed.

"You were never the third wheel Reg. You had Bobby and even then you insisted on going everywhere with us." The other brunette chuckled fondly.

"I was the third wheel in spirit. Hah, now we're actually spirits!"

Alex watched as his bandmates continued to playfully bicker, not failing to catch that the gleam in Luke's eyes while talking to the grunge-apparel-wearing guitarist was the same that sparkled whenever he spoke about Julie. However that, was certainly a conversation to have another day. For now, it was him, his friends, and the night sky twinkling with glee.

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