Chapter 47 #AdMia

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Mia's PoV:-

We were about to leave the hospital. Mrs. Singh already left a few hours before us she wanted to make sure that everything at the castle would be properly arranged. She asked Adwin to be fill the discharge form and clear all the formalities and reach home in a couple of hours.

Mrs. Singh was gonna be with us for the next week  and let the things be normal. Apparently, my baby is growing perfectly but my womb is not strong enough to carry the baby. I have to be at complete bed rest for the upcoming week.

There will be a nurse for me the entire time and a few machines if any emergency occurs. We were waiting for the clearance form , at the reception desk.

"Mia. You go and sit in the car, its almost done. The car is out at the gate." I nodded and started walking towards the exit.

Within a few seconds, I felt Adwin's arms around me and he was leading me out of the hospital.

When we reached the car, he opened the passenger door for me and I sat inside.

His phone started ringing and he answered the phone. I couldn't hear what was going on the other side of the phone, but I could feel the tension in his gestures. I was looking at him , and when I saw a car speeding towards him, I rushed out, "Adwin" I yelled moving forward as fast as possible, he turned around , panicking at seeing me, but before I could reach him the car hit him throwing him off the road to the other side.

My feet sprang on its own accord and I ran towards him, my eyes were streaming down the tears, "Adwin. Adwin. Open your eyes please " I cried hugging him. Someone tried pulling me away from him but I yelled , yelled loudly for anyone to come.

I was dragged away, "Noooo please. Adwin" I yelled. His eyes flickered open , blood oozing out of his face, he raised his hand trying get hold of me and I was thrown in a car harshly.

"Please he needs me. Adwin, Adwin" I yelled trying wiggle out of the grasp.

Before I could do anything, I earned a tight slap, and the car pulled out of the hospital.

"Your bitch is hot. Dude" someone said grabbing me by my hair and pulling me towards himself. My eyes dragged away from the road , and fell upon , the devil, Adrian.

"Sure Mikes she is hot. You can have your share after I am done. I like to share" Adrian's voice echoed in my ears giving me shivers.

"Adrian, please let me be with Adwin. I will come back to you. Just let Adwin be treated. He needs me right now please Adrian. " I begged.

"He will be in his world soon, bitch. Don't worry about him. He will die with your image in his eyes. I won't let him happen anything yet. I want him to see whom you belong" his voice roaring making my entire body to tremble.

"Adrian, someone's following us" Mikes spoke from beside me, his voice panicky.

I tried to turn around and see but earned another slap from him. My head hit the window , making me feel dizzy.

I stormed my foot on his foot , and bit on his hand that was holding my mouth.  "Fucking bitch." Mikes yelled.

A sharp turn caused me to sway and fell in Mikes' arms and I felt his hand touch my body inappropriately. I tried wiggle out of his grasp but his hold tightened around me.

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