Chapter 4

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Before I get into this chapter I just really wanted to say thanks. I had like 8 reads yesterday and I updated and woke up with 58!!!! That's amazing! So if you're reading this, thank you so much. You should comment something random right

Here -


I woke still wrapped in Calum's arms and legs tangled together. He mumbled a quiet

"Good morning."

"Morning, what time is it?" I said keeping my mouth closed as little as possible so he couldn't smell how bad my breath is.

"About 9, we can go out to breakfast if you'd like. Then I have to work, you can come and hang out."

"Sounds good."

We untangled our bodies, and got up. He handed me a pair of pants that I must have left and I put a hoodie on because Cal said it would be rainy and cold today. I brushed through my soft hair and put it in a pony tail.

"How does this look? I can't tell.. I can't see it." I said laughing

"You look good."

I don't bother with make up not only because I would have no clue what I'm doing and because well I can't see anyone to look good for, and well I don't need to look good for myself.

We got to his car and were off. We listened to some Arctic Monkeys on the way to the diner.

Well you cured my January blues

Yeah you made it all right

I got a feeling I lit the very fuse

That you were trying not to light

I've always loved them. Their music is so calming. I hummed along to the soft sound while Cal sung along. He has always had such great voice. I always thought he should be in a band or something, but he just doesn't see it. He's a pretty shy person.

He helped me out of the car and walked me to the door. I could smell the eggs and pancakes and coffee.

"Smells so good!" I said grabbing his arm.

He grabbed my hand and walked us to a table. We sat down and waited for a waiter to come.

"May I get you guys anything."

"Uhh we will both have a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and coffee, extra sweet for her."

I heard her walk away.

"You remember my order." I said fiddling my thumbs.

"Well you are my best friend."

We got our food and ate pretty fast because Calum starts work at 10.

We get back in his car after we filled up and drove down to the book store. They have a bunch of stuff like records and music and games. It's a cool place to hang out. It's not that big from what I can tell.

I sit on the counter while Calum does his job. I hear the bell ring for the first time today, indicating someone's here.

"Can I help you with anything?" Calum says, being the only one on shift to run the small shop.

"Yeah I was just looking for books, maybe by Ella Hopkins?" His voice sounded familiar. But from where?

"They would be in the teen section in the front." Calum answered

I heard shuffling towards my direction, me sitting on the counter in the front.

"Hey Lana, it's Luke. From school you probably don't remember me, I may have knocked some books over." he said with a light chuckle.

"Oh hey! I'm here with my friend Calum." I said jumping off the counter. I heard him walk closer then give me hug, so I returned the gesture. "who's Ella Hopkins?"

"She's one of my favorite authors." sucks I can't read them. "Hey guess what I got!" He said picking up my hand, placing it on his lip.

"Oh my gosh you got a lip ring! That is so cool, I've always wanted one!" I said fiddling with the cold piece of metal.

"So do you wanna go to the park?" He said, he seemed super happy.

"Sure, hey Cal! I'm gonna go to the park with Luke okay?" I said across the store.

"Wait, let me talk to Luke before you leave." he always been really protective over me and I can never understand.

I wait by the door until Luke comes up and locks arms with me. "M'lady." He said walking me out the door as I gave a little curtsy. We walked to the park right down the street and he sat me on a swing.

"Luke why am I on a swing?" I said laughing.

"Because I'm gonna push you and then you're gonna jump and I'm gonna catch you."

"I'm not jumping!" I said as he started pushing me back and forth.

After it felt I was going super high he stopped. "Okay now jump!"

"No! I'm not jumping Luke I told you!"

It started pouring down rain as soon and I finished my sentence. He grabbed the ropes to the swing and stopped me.

"Here." he pulled me up and started moving around in the rain.

"Dance!" He said laughing

"I don't know how."

"Okay," he said grabbing my hand "then let's run around in it." he said tugging me to run. So I did. The rain felt cold in my skin, but it felt like my childhood. It reminded me of what life was like before the accident. It filled me with energy and joy. He stopped me "I'm gonna teach you to dance. Just follow me." he placed my hands on his neck and his hands around my waist. Moving back and forth, left to right. Every now and then I would step on his foot. We danced for a while until we got tired.

"I'm going to pick you and we will go back to the shop, okay?" He said, tugging on the back of my knee.

"Okay." I said calmly holding onto his neck. He carried me back to the shop quickly. Once we got in we started laughing. Until Calum came over with a towel.

"Are you guys crazy! You're gonna get sick! And I can't take you home to get you new clothes!" He said drying me with the towel.

"I'll be fine, Cal." I said holding his face.

"I'll take her home." Luke chimed in

Calum was silent for a moment before agreeing.

"How come your friend kept glaring at me?" Luke said while we where in the car

"I don't know, don't worry about it. He can be protective."

"You know, I would never do anything to hurt you." he said giving a little squeeze on my hand.


We arrived at my house and he walked me to my door.

"Thank you so much Luke. I had a lot of fun." I said giving him a big hug.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said hanging my head down.

"Of course ."

"Umm, what do I look like?" I said slowly and quietly. He grabbed my cheeks causing me to face him.

"Like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

I wish I could see myself.






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