Chapter 20

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A month later, I started to cook them breakfast. Sally, May, David, Apollo, Clovo, Austin, Rachel (She sat in Apollo's lap), Michelle, and Levi sat at the island counter, saying horrible remarks to me.

"She's not fit to be Luna is she, Apollo baby." Rachel said running her hand down Apollo's chest.

"Nope." He said sending a glare my way.

I clutched my fist in a ball. I whiped around and put their food on their plates. My body said attack but my mind said wait. I smiled and walked away. Levi whiped around and spitted his bacon at me.
"This is horrible you rogue!" He growled.

I wiped the bacon off my back and closed my eyes hard. The scar above and below my eye started to hurt. I sighed and looked at him. "I'm sorry."
"You better be sorry!" He said throwing his food and plate at me.

I let out a fake wail and fell to the floor. May, Rachel, David, and Levi came up to me and started to kick and hit me. I cried for Apollo but he just sat there. Levi picked me up by the hair (I helped him) and held me in a head lock while May, Rachel, and David hit me. I pretended to cry and wail so they could have their fun.

"Alright enough!" Apollo growled.

"Why babe? It's not like she has feelings." Rachel questioned

"I said enough." he replied sharp.
"Okay." She said but gave me a last kick as Levi dropped me.

I touched my lip and saw blood. I looked down and saw blood everywhere. I wanted to spring at their throats and make the ground red but I didn't. The wound above and below my eye started to hurt but I didn't check for blood. I rolled onto my side and fake cried till they left. I went up to the bathroom to look into the mirror. My wound was reopened. Just my luck! I pressed my hand against my wound and healed it. The scar was still there but I wanted to be there. To show that I was a rogue at heart. Bond by freedom and insanity. I walked out of the bathroom to see Rachel standing on the other side of the door. Her hand on her hip and her foot tapping on the floor.
"Why is a rogue using the master bathroom?" She growled trying to look intimidating as she could.
"I was looking at my wound in the mirror." I reply in a sharp tone, trying not to roll my eyes.
She growled, amazed that I used that tone with her. After a moment I pushed past her. I was not only stronger than her, I was taller. Her head a lines with my shoulder. As I walked away she grabbed my hair and pulled it. Out of instinct I whipped around a slapped her. She dropped to the floor and started to cry. "Levi! Apollo!" She wailed like a pup. I snorted, amused.
Apollo, Levi, and May came rushing up stairs. I held back a growled when Apollo shoved me a side to get to Rachel. Her cheek had a deep red hand print on it. I smiled as she whined.
"What did you do?" Levi snapped at me pushing me against the wall.
"Slapped her." I said as a smile played across my lips.
He slapped me and looked me dead in the eyes. "You hurt my sister, I will kill you." He growled, then added. "Rogue."

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Not if I kill you first." I whispered loud enough for Apollo to hear. Levi raised his hand again to hit me but Apollo pushed him away, placing his arm around me and gave a stern look to Levi while saying, "No, no one needs to get killed today." He looked back to me. "No one, got it?"

I nodded my head and walked away. "Going for a run!" I called over my shoulder. Before anyone could answer or protest, I bolted down the stairs and through the door. Once outside, I shifted into my wolf form. I stretched my legs till they quivered. I shook my fur and drank in the scent of the outside. Beauitful day it is. Giving my ear a couple rapid scratches, I stretched my jaws in a yawn. I stood and licked my lips as I saw a hare dash across the parking lot. I took after it. I was in a full on gallop. The hare zig zag trying to lose me but one strong blow with my front paw made it fly up in the air. I whiped around, leaped and grabbed it, snapping it's neck. I landed on my paws with a hard thump. Wagging my tail, I was full of proudness in myself. My eye's glowing blue.
"Great catch." I heard a deep voice say from the forest.

I looked where the voice came from and saw a glowing green eye. "Grayson?" I said dropping my hare.
He emerged from the bushs. His scar covered blue coat shined in the light. His muscles were relaxed but they still showed through his pelt making me fall for him. He could have any girl he wanted with his body! The part of his face where his eye was supossed to be made him look dangerous. "You're starting to look like me." He chuckled.
I giggled and pressed close against him. "I'm so glad I'm away from them." Forgeting that he shouldn't be here because of Apollo.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" He said like a worried mate.

I just looked away.
"They did! Oh I ought!" He growled, stomping toward the Pack house.
I jumped in front of him and lick his cheek. "No. They kicked and hit me around but since I'm strong I didn't feel much of it. They're weak anyway."

He let out a huff of amusement when I said that I'm strong.
"You're not strong!" He teased, scrunching up his nose in a baby face.
"Is too!" I argued like a baby.
"Prove it!" He said bounding around me.
I lanched myself at him. We went tumble across the yard, laughing. I hadn't felt this happy since I was with Apollo. Grayson stood up and grabbed my scruff, dragging me across the yard. I thrashed but he still tugged me a long. He threw me in a watery substance. I gasped at how cold it was. All Grayson did was laugh. I thought he die laughing because he was laughing so hard. I rolled over and saw that I was laying in mud. I quickly jumped up and gasped in surprise. "You did not just!"
"Yes I did." He smiled and cocked his head to the side.
I shook my fur and walked up to Grayson. As soon as he saw me coming to him, he ran off. I chased after him at high speed. I leaped and landed on his back. We went tumbling hard against the ground. I quickly jumped up and pinned him down. He was winded from the fall. I laughed at him, grabbed some mud from my fur, and then rubbed it in his face. He took a deep breath and then I plopped down on him making him exhale really hard. I laughed and roll off him onto the ground. I laid next to him staring up at the blue sky. I felt a hand on my paw and I rolled over to see him in his human form staring at me.
"Grayson!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking. I ran my eyes over his ripped body. I closed my eyes and then opened them again. Omg he is hot! No wonder his wolf form is ripped. His eyes were a light shade of green with orange spots everywhere. I noticed he was naked and slamed my eyes shut and rolled over.

"What's wrong?" He said sitting up.
"Dude! Clothes would be nice!" I said rubbing my eyes with my paws.
"Sorry. I've left everything I had at my parents house when I was banished as rogue." He rubbed the back of his head.
"Sorry, I over reacted. Shift back and I'll get ya some clothes." I said standing up.
"Okay." He shifted back and looked at me. I pushed him into the woods and licked his muzzle before turning to walk away. "Angelika?" He said and I whiped around to face him. As soon as our eyes were locked, he smashed his nose into mine. I was stuned. When werewolves wanted to kiss in their wolf form we would touch noses. I smiled as he blushed and looked away like he did something wrong. I licked his ear and then trotted away.

I grabbed my clothes and shift back. My body burned and I knew he was staring at me. I quickly got dressed and hurried inside. I went up to mine and his room.
"Back so early?" Apollo said walking toward me. I nodded my head and tried to hurry to the room. Before I could get there I was pushed down with strong hands. I fell hard to the ground and let out a real wail as my face hit the ground. I shrinked away from Apollo as he apporached me. I curled in a ball to sheild myself. "I saw you with him!" He snapped before kicking me hard. I let out another wail. I tried to crawl away but I was grabbed by my throat.

Help me. I said sliently.

"You'll never leave this house again!" He said then throwing me.
I felt pain this time. And it hurt like hell. I whimpered and shrinked away.

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