Part 7

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I woke up by Face Time call. I grabbed my phone, to check who it was. It was Jaden. I smiled at the name on my phone and picked it up.

Jaden: Heyy "bestie".

He said 'bestie' making air quotation marks with his hands. I giggled and said:

Ayla: Hi Jae!

Jaden: Nobody say that nickname better than you.

Ayla: Aww thank you, Jae.

Jaden: Don't forget our date at 7pm!

He said that very serious.

Ayla: Okay, captain Hossler.

Jaden: What did I do now?

Ayla: You didn't do anything.

Jaden: Then, why did you call me Hossler?

Ayla: I called you captain Hossler, that is different.

We talked with each other some more time when Nick came into my room:

Nick: Hey Ayla, who you Face Timing?

He was smiling until I said:

Ayla: Jaden.

Nick: Oh, okay, do you wanna have breakfast with us?

Ayla: Sure, why not.

I said bye to Jaden and hung up. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and changed into this:

 I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and changed into this:

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I went downstairs, to the kitchen, and they ordered food enough for whole house. I wanted to sat next to one of the girls, but all of them were talking with their boyfriends or crushs. Madison with Ondreaz, Charli with Chase, Mia with Thomas, and Kouvr with Alex. Ugh, I hate being single. I sat next to Nick who was now talking with Tony. He is totally ignoring me. I ate my food while everyone else talked with someone. I wanted to see Jaden so bad. Yeah, I know he was here yesterday, but I still miss him. When they all were finishing with their food, I grabbed Nick's arm, and we went to the living room. I asked him:

Ayla: Why are you ignoring me all of a sudden?

Nick: N-no I'm not.

Ayla: Yes you are.

Nick: Okay, *sigh* I-I was jealous of Jaden, because I think he likes you, and I like you too.

He looked down. Jaden was right, Nick likes me.

Ayla: Well, I-I don't know what to say.

I said uncomfortable.

Nick: It's okay if you like someone else, and you don't like me back.

He said that upset.

Ayla: Nick, I'm sorry.

I put my arm on his shoulder.

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